It's Not All It's Meant To Be

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It had worked, they were still alive.

Although everyone was still unsure of what they were going to do now.

They needed to get out, today was the day they were to escape and run to the city.

Out there they could get away from WICKED and maybe just maybe live a normal life.

"There has to be a door out of here." Thomas got off the table along with the others.

"In here they should have one, because WICKED is aloud to leave this place." Minho groaned and rolled his eyes.

They all began searching around the testing room.

They searched for about an hour until they finally found a door.

"Let's get out of here, I've heard them talk about them taking people that didn't have the flare into the city." Thomas and Minho both explained.

"Then let's get out of this bloody place." Newt grumbled and opened the door, Maddie following behind him.

They slowly walked out of the door room, but once they stepped out they noticed something off.

It was different.

They all scrambled into the hallway, looking into rooms but nobody was to be found.

It was like everyone had vanished.

They all walked down to the end to find a sign that said Exit.

They opened it revealing another entrance way, except leading to the city.

They all looked at eachother, nodding in confidence.

They walked through and then everything became louder, and dimmer.

They were in the city, with everyone else who surived and who didn't have the flare.

They walked up to police people, they had to get checked to make sure you wern't infected to get into the city.

Each one stepped up to an officer.

First Thomas then Minho then Aris then came Newt, he got checked and passed.

Then Maddie went up, they checked her but hesitated before letting her pass.

She looked at the guys a bit confused but went with it.

"Well we made it, we finally made it out of that sand box." Minho let out a laugh.

They all began walking through out the city, taking in the places around them that they never experienced before.

They bought new clothes, pretty much anything that they never could have had before.

They ate lunch in an actual resturant, actually talked about something other than trying to escape or people dying or even themselfs dying.

It soon began to be nightfall, the stars were coming out and the city was coming alive.

The city lights shone through out the area, making everything look even more breath taking.

Maddie and Newt were holding hands while Thomas and Minho were too, leaving Aris to uncomfrontably walk beside them.

They were all walking to a hotel, they went to the front entrance and looked around.

"Is this a good place?" Maddie questioned, looking around once again.

Ever since that police officer hesitated it made her worried, something was off with her.

Sure she was sweating but it was from all the walking and being outside right?

Newt nodded and looked at her, he too had noticed something was different.

He thought maybe it had to deal with being in the city or maybe she was just tired.

Thomas and Minho looked at the hotel and saw you had to pass through security once again.

Thomas went through first, then Minho, then Newt walked up, the police officer checked him and he
went through.

Then it was Maddie's turn once again.

She began to walk toward the officer to get checked and walk into the gorgeous hotel.

That is ti'll a girl began screaming.

"She's got it!" The girl screamed, causing everyone to look at her.

"She has the Flare!" The girl screamed, pointing at Maddie.

Everyone turned to look at her, all eyes wide.

Newt, Thomas and Minho were wide eyed too, they looked at Maddie who was beyond frightened on what was happening and what people were going to do.

"How'd you get in here!" Another person yelled making Maddie tremble in fear.

Newt began to fight past all the people along with Thomas and Minho.

They needed to protect her.

The officer looked at Maddie, people that were infected with the Flare couldn't be here, they were going to get others infected and kill everybody.

The police officer slowly raised their gun, aiming it at Maddie.

Newt was so focused on getting to her he didn't even realize.

Thomas on the other hand did.

"MADDIE!" Thomas yelled causing her to take her focus off all the people and look at her brother.

"MOVE!" He yelled once again and began shoving people more frantically out of the way.

Newt was only a few feet away from her, he needed to save her, she was his girlfriend, his partner, his world.

Maddie quickly looked up at the officer as she saw the gun pointing right at her.

She was so frozen with fear she couldn't move.

Newt frantically pushed the rest of the people out of the way, then instantly leaping out and pushing Maddie.

The whole city went silent as there was a loud 'BANG' that sounded through out the streets.

Not everything is meant to be the way people want it, and this was one of those times.

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