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Maddie's POV

Where was she?

Why was she alone?

Why was there horrible things around her?

Mainly, why was she tied to a chair!?
"Maddie we'll save you!" Newt yelled, pounding on the door.

She looked up at him, a worried look on her face.

Why was she seperated from them?
Thomas and Minho grabbed a metal bottle and hit the door handle.

It soon broke open the door, Newt rushed in and untied Maddie, removing the tape from her mouth.

"Maddie!" Newt exclaimed, picking her up and walking out of the horrible room.

Once they got out she looked at Minho and Thomas.

The second she laid eyes on Thomas she began to whine and bury herself more into Newt's arms.

Newt looked at Thomas and his face turned pale.

"Maddie what's wrong?" Newt cooed, kissing her head.

"Is he going to hurt me..?" She whispered, looking up at Newt.
"No, the evil Thomas is gone." He reasured her.

She slowly looked up again at Thomas who was looking at her pleadingly.

"It's me.. Thomas.. The good Thomas." He said carefully and softly.

Maddie slowly nodded and then rested her head against Newt.

"Let's go back to our room and relax alright?" Newt cooed, messing with her hair.

She just nodded and everyone left the room.

They walked down the hall to the door that said 'GROUP A' and went in.

Newt laid down with Maddie on their bunk and Minho told Thomas everything that happened.

About two hours later Maddie was already better, she sat up and looked at Thomas.

'You nearly killed me you idiot.' She grumbled, looking at Thomas.

'I know, it wasn't me!' He exclaimed, looking at her pleadingly.

'Hey hey hey what happened?' Aris jumped in and they both looked at him.

'Evil Thomas tried to kill me, blah blah blah.' She shrugged and smiled at Aris.

Aris only shook his head and smiled.

"Let's go explore this place." Maddie suddenly spoke up.

"Explore what?" Minho snorted, looking at Maddie.

"Follow me, I have this picture and I wanna figure out where it is." She pulled out a photo from her pocket, showing them.

They all took a turn to study it before everyone walked out the room.

Maddie walked down certain hallways, as if she's done it millions of times.

"How do you know where to go?"
Minho questioned, looking at Maddie.

"I don't know." She replied, stopping at a two way intersection.

"What way now?" Thomas asked, looking each way.

She looked down both hallways.

"Right." She began to walk down the right hallway and they came to a door.

"What now?" Newt questioned, looking at the metal door.

"You open it." She laughed, turning the handle and walking into the bright sunny sand area.

"What the shuck." Minho blurted out, looking around.

"What the hell is that!" Thomas pointed to what seemed like a prision.

It had chained fences all around the area, barbed wire at the tops and around the area aswell.

Maddie looked around then started to run.

"Maddie!" Newt shouted, everyone ran after her.

She eventually stopped, she was standing in the middle of the deserted area.

She set the picture down in the sand and took a few steps back.

"This is the spot." She spoke, looking at the boys next to her.

"Well now what do we do?" Minho groaned, rolling his eyes.

Maddie slowly let her kness sink into the sand.

She began to dig where the picture was.

"Maddie what on earth are you doing?" Newt exclaimed, looking at her.

"Just help me dig!" She shouted, everyone groaned but did as they were told.

They dug until they hit an old rusty metal box.

Maddie slowly picked it up, there was a name graved into the top, she dusted it off and looked at it more closely.

"Guys there's a name on it." She rubbed her finger over it.

Her eyes widened a bit and she looked up at them.

They looked at her curiously.

"Well what is it!" Minho shouted, grabbing Thomas.

"It says Madison." She replied, looking down at the box.

They all looked at her in confusion and shock.

What was a rusty metal box in the middle know where doing here?

Even more, with her name on it.

First Time Maze Runner [Newt Love Story]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang