📽Tv Series Review📽

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Feature by: Latty(@Imperfetto_Tesoro)

Images provided by: Pinterest, PsyGraphics by(psycholicious1), and YouTube.

Images provided by: Pinterest, PsyGraphics by(psycholicious1), and YouTube

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Previously on Tv Series Review..... 

Last year there were no new series being introduced, instead, we bid farewell to the final installment of the hit series Arrow and Game of Thrones. Now, let's not talk about GOT because we weren't ready then and still aren't now. Arrow, however, was the complete opposite, it ended lovely and done in such a way all the hardship Oli went through paid off! Fitting for the life and death of an amazing badass, team leader, and hero. 

Now to this season

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Now to this season.

Now to this season

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From the world of Jason Bourne, "Treadstone" is an action-packed thriller set amidst the black ops program Operation Treadstone

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From the world of Jason Bourne, "Treadstone" is an action-packed thriller set amidst the black ops program Operation Treadstone. exploring both the origins of the infamous covert program, as well as connecting to present-day special ops, "Treadstone" follows the action across the globe -- from D.C. to Berlin to Paris and beyond. "Treadstone" turns its recruits around the world into nearly superhuman assassins using a secret behavior-modification protocol, creating sleeper agents who are mysteriously "awakening" to resume their dangerous missions.

If you're into the KBG, conspiracy, corrupt government, twists, action, betrayal, and thrills, then this is definitely your cup of tea. Truth be told I've watched all the Jason Bourne franchise and while it's okay I'm not a fan like my dad and brothers. So when I saw this I was skeptical until I realized that Jeremy Irvine and Brian J Smith starred in the series hehe. Anywho, it's quite enjoyable.

Treadstone's first episode was aired on September 24, 2019, with a total of 10 episodes concluding season one. As of April 5, 2020, Treadstone has not been canceled or renewed for a second season but I do hope it gets renewed because that EPIC twist at the end will only have my curiosity eating away at me along with the 90% Google users as well.


Reference: Google.


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