extra: charlotte and fred in isolation

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Wow, guys I never thought for a WHILE I'd be back here, but I'm back. Surprise! I figured since we're all in isolation right now, I'd treat you to a little while later. Also, it's my 5 year anniversary on Wattpad, so I had to celebrate with my faves. I hope you all enjoy!

"Do you really think they won't close Hogwarts?" Fred asked his wife, frowning. He never got tired of that word. Wife
"Babe, they didn't close it when Voldemort was on the back of a professor's head, or when there was a coma-inducing snake or a serial killer on the loose- You want me to keep going?" Charlotte listed, lazily drawing circles on her husband's chest. They were lying in bed together, relishing the early morning sunrise.
"Okay, you kind of have a point," Fred muttered. Charlotte tilted her head to look up at him. 
"I know you want the kids home, but it's so much safer there for them. Technically, as long as no one leaves or enters the castle, they're safe until it calms down," she assured him. "And it's not like Amy can come home, anyway." 

They had three kids now; Amy, at twenty-one, was their eldest, born the same year the war ended, followed by Alexander, at sixteen, and Annabelle, thirteen, the baby of the family. They'd struggled to have kids for some while after Amy, so Alex was considered their miracle baby, although they stopped after Anna, mostly because Charlotte didn't enjoy pregnancy and Fred didn't like to see his wife in pain.

"I just miss them so much," he mumbled. "They grow up faster when they're away. They could be doing all the things we did-" Charlotte held up her hand. 
"I don't even want to think about what they could be doing," she told him. "Although, it's probably time you gave Alex the talk." Fred groaned. "I'm serious! You know that Anna's had hers, already?"
"What? But she's thirteen?" 
"I gave it when she got her period. Two birds, one stone." She squinted at her husband. She never got tired of that word. Husband. 
"Maybe, I need to practise the theory before I put it into place," he muttered, placing a kiss on Charlotte, who rolled onto him. 
"I think I'll-"
"Mum? Dad?" 
"-Ah, fuck." Charlotte paused, looking at her husband. 
"That's duty. Duty calls," he said, pecking his wife once more before they got up and out of bed.
"Hey babies," Charlotte greeted, pulling her kids into one hug. "What are you doing home?"
"Because of the virus," Alex explained. "They were worried."
"So, they send you home when you're already isolated, but they did not send us home when there was a serial killer running wild," Fred said, coming down the stairs. Charlotte couldn't help the smile on her face as she watched her daughter launch herself at her dad, followed by her brother, who waited before hugging him. 
"McGonagall should've been headmistress all this time," Charlotte commented. "So much sense." 
"But also, should we have received a letter or something?" Fred asked. "Also, pancakes."
"Fuck, yes!" Alex exclaimed, showing he'd obviously inherited his mother's language. He had Charlotte's hair but looked like a carbon copy of his dad, height and all. 
"Oi! Mind your fucking language," Charlotte reprimanded. Fred shook his head, wrapping his arm back around his daughter. Anna was the exact opposite of her brother; Fred's hair with Charlotte's look, although she was taller than her mother. Amy looked like a carbon copy of her mother, although she was also taller than her mother. The family made sure to never let Charlotte forget that she was shorter than the rest of them. 
"Is Ames coming home?" Alex asked, helping his dad round up the ingredients. 
"You know she can't, kiddo," Charlotte said, happily perching herself on the counter. "Unless she full-on moves in again."
"She's with your brother, though," Fred added, teasingly referring to Draco as such. Although Charlotte and Fred had adopted him, the kids hated it whenever he got referred to as their 'brother', mainly because they hated it when Charlotte followed up with a joke on how Draco was her brother, too.

Draco's life after the war had gotten so, so, so much easier. Although their father was made to "pay" for their crimes as such, their mother had a much different approach. Charlotte and Narcissa had never been too close, but Draco had been with their birth mother, and so post-war their bond grew deeper and although the adoption certificate never changed, Charlotte became more comfortable allowing her mother to look after Draco again, although when Narcissa fled the country, Draco moved back in with Charlotte again until it was his turn to start his family life. 

"Stop calling him that," Anna moaned. "Please. I beg." She hopped onto the counter next to her mum, watching her dad and brother cook together. "Although, if you ever need to embarrass Alex in front of his girlfriend..." Anna trailed off as her brother shook his head at her. 
"Girlfriend?" Charlotte repeated, followed by mouthing the word talk at Fred, who shook his head. 
"Anna," Alex warned. The mischievous grin on the younger Weasley's face was directly inherited from her dad. 
"He didn't tell you?" Anna said teasingly. "They've been going out for a-"
"- year now, and according to-"
"Talk," Charlotte mouthed to Fred. He sighed, but nodded. "Okay, well don't think we'll forget about this," she said to Alex, "but whilst you guys make breakfast, Anna, let's get you unpacked, kiddo." 
"Yes, mum," Anna said. 

Charlotte was definitely the stricter parent in that Weasley household. From the moment Amy had been born, it seemed that Fred majorly enjoyed being up to no good as a form of bonding with his children, passing on that gene. George was the exact same, Charlotte knew, and it wasn't all bad, with Charlotte's strict parenting. She was mostly able to keep them in control. And it meant that when Alex got older, and Fred and George even older, Alex was hoping to take over the shop, having worker his last two summers there. 

"And if this kitchen gets any messier," Charlotte said, pointing her finger at the boys. 
"We'll be good," Fred promised. Charlotte mouthed the word talk once more before following after her daughter. Life was good.

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