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Closer//Lemaitre ft. Jenny A

I hope you enjoy it!

Charlotte woke up on the first day of school with a frown. She had woken up in this room for around six years, yet she still couldn't figure out where she was. 
"Day one, my friend," Juliet said in a funny accent. 
"Was that Irish?" Charlotte asked, deciding to let her friend drag her to the bathroom. 
"What the- No, it was French." 
"You don't look sarcastic so I'm going to say that wasn't sarcastic." 
"It was French!" 
"More like an insult to French people." 
"Charlotte!" Charlotte laughed at her friend, only to be ditched. "You have one hour before lessons start!" Crap. Charlotte hurried to get ready, as she would spending more time eating breakfast than doing anything else.

As soon as Charlotte was done, she ran to the Great Hall. She'd fallen asleep half way through getting changed, and she now only had twenty minutes to eat something and get to her first class, which she didn't even know. Once she was in, she slowed down to a walk and sat down next to Rick. 
"Where's Juliet?" she asked him. 
"Flirting, probably. Why are you late?" he replied. 
"I fell asleep, probably." Rick sighed. 
"You know, if you actually got to sleep-" 
"Hey, don't you lecture me. That job is for my Father." Rick fell silent. There were a lot of subjects under 'We Don't Talk About', especially for Charlotte, and her family life was one, like her health. Instead, Rick talked about their classes. 
"It's really going to be hard this year," he said, putting a bagel on Charlotte's plate. 
"Please don't remind me. I don't want nightmares." 
"I'm serious. How are you going to do this?" Charlotte looked at him and smiled. Rick realised his mistake. "No, no no, don't-" 
"Hi serious, I'm Charlotte." Rick smacked his forehead. 
"That'll teach me." 
"Damn right it will," said a voice from opposite them. Juliet had just sat down. "Morning, Lottie."  
"What happened to your Irish accent?" Charlotte asked. 
"It was French and it decided that right now isn't the time." Rick looked between them and shook his head. Speaking to Juliet, he said, "She's all yours. I'm going to find out where our timetables are." Juliet nodded and came through under the table to Charlotte. 
"Hey, I don't need looking after," Charlotte protested. Juliet only patted her head and said, "Small, adorable child." Charlotte pouted. 

Once the Slytherins had found their timetables, they made their way to their first lesson, which happened to be Potions with the Gryffindors. Most of the Slytherins were moaning about this, but Charlotte was just hoping the seating plan had changed, even though she very much doubted it. 

From her very first lesson in her very first year, all of the students in Charlotte's year had been put into a set seating plan. The seating plan had a basis for every year, and that was: It is set so that person in sat next to one that they have most of their classes with. Charlotte suspected it was more of who the teachers shipped who with.

For Charlotte, this happened to be Gryffindor Fred Weasley. She wasn't sure if she liked the kid, as she had fallen subject to him and his twin, George's pranks a handful of time during her period at Hogwarts. However, these times seemed like accidents and Charlotte thought that Fred really didn't even know her name, much less the fact that he sat next to her. 

Charlotte was fine with this, though, because at least she wasn't being teased by him. In fact, one of the other Slytherin girls, Maya, was sat next to Lee Jordan, and he terrorised the poor girl with both pick-up lines and insults. Charlotte thought that Maya didn't mind, though, and it wasn't like she couldn't stand up for herself. 

Potions was different, thought. The tables were big enough to fit four people, therefore they had four stations. And on Charlotte's station was both Weasley twins and a Gryffindor called Angelina Johnson. Angelina didn't like Charlotte very much, and proceeded to spend most of the lessons insulting her. 

Even though Charlotte knew that the seating plan wouldn't change, you could hope for the best.


It didn't change. And all the Slytherins were late, along with the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. It turned out that every house but the Gryffindor house's timetables had gone missing. Charlotte put this up to Peeves, then some rouge Gryffindors. Probably the Weasley twins. 

Snape still had the seating plan up, though, so Charlotte, Juliet and Rick mournfully parted. Or, Charlotte had to wave good bye to her two friends who sat next to each other. Charlotte supported this, because she knew Juliet and Rick were probably going to be married someday. Whether they knew it or not. They were just so... compatible. 

Charlotte climbed on to her seat and started to pull out her book. The first lesson was always the foundation lesson, and the only practical first lesson they did was in Charlotte's fifth year, when they had a teacher who turned out to be both a werewolf and the best teacher they had. "Right," started Snape. He had been very upset to be stuck with Gryffindors. "Before we start this truly happy year, I have to tell you how hard it will be." Snape started to walk dramatically around the room, and Charlotte rolled her eyes. "This won't be for the faint hearted. We will be making every different potions, with very different ingredients, and so if you drop out, I won't be offended. Likewise, everything will be harder. So, please, do not be afraid to ask for help, or to ask to stop. Thank you, and open your books." 

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