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What The Water Gave Me // Florence + The Machine

Ha what me, disappear? No, that never happens! Also, I'm writing a George story that ties into this one. It's called Hidden; check it out!

The prank was all set. They called it the candy apple prank.

Basically, they had gotten some onions that looked the same shape as some apples, and covered them in caramel. It was perfect because it was Halloween, and Castiel had an addiction to candy apples. It was quite last minute, but if this went successful, then Fred and George had decided that they would teach Charlotte all their secrets. 

Fred buggsied it. 

 George had a very large suspicion that Fred fancied the Malfoy girl, ever since he found out she was there. He didn't have a problem with her, personally, because he knew her, but he knew what his parents would say. Just because of the name 'Malfoy'. 

He thought it was very unfair that at least 50% (he couldn't decided on Ginny) were prejudiced, and didn't go looking for the facts. He certainly thought that Charlotte didn't deserve half the things that were said about her. For one thing, she would never hurt a fly. Unless it hurt a friend.

He saluted that. 

Sometimes, he wondered why she wasn't in Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. She said that she didn't really care what house she was in, that it was just a label that was stuck to you forever. She also said that people should give Slytherins a chance, just to see that they're not what they thought. 

He could see Fred admire this. 

George tried to talk to Fred about Charlotte, but he always brushed it off. It make him think that he was probably too in love with her, and he could see the same feelings float back. He would have to talk to Lee, or one of her friends. 

It was meant to happen.

Charlotte was, without a doubt, excited for the prank. It was the first one she'd ever done, and the twins had promised her some tricks if he fell for it. Charlotte knew that Cas was very gullible, unlike Charlotte. She had trust issues and still rarely told even her brother or Juliet and Rick things, like her crush on Fred, for one. 

She wasn't going to fight it, like other Slytherins would. Charlotte had learnt by now to accept everything, whether she wanted to or not. Bad grades, her period, head aches. It just made life easier, and she preferred to know the truth anyway. It just made life easier. 

And if she fancied Fred, she fancied Fred. Charlotte had the smallest suspicion that George knew, and she would have to ask him to not say anything. 

Back to the prank, everything was set. Now, she just had to give him the apple. Or, rather, onion. She thought it was a rather clever prank. She wasn't even sure how the came up with it; she just said that he liked candy apples, and next thing she (and George) knew, Fred was holding an onion and was covering it in caramel. 

She was sat on the sofa in the common room, and was holding the apple. She kept twirling it in her hand, waiting for her brother. She wasn't disappointing, because a few minutes later, Cas came down from the boys' dorm, looking around the room. 
"Cas!" Charlotte said, jumping up. Cas looked over at her in surprise, then walked over to her. 
"Hey, what's that there?" he asked. 
"It's a candy apple; here, you have it. I hate them, anyway." Cas shrugged and took it. He took one bite, and screamed. 
"What the heck, Charlotte?" he yelled. 
"Is this an onion?" 
"Is it?" He turned the bite to Charlotte. She saw the layers of an onion and replied, "Oh. Whoops." 
""Whoops?" Charlotte, did you know what this was?" 
"Not a clue." 
"Oh." Then he just walked off. Charlotte raised her eyebrows, but then walked off to headquarters, where Fred and George were waiting. 
"How'd it go?" Fred asked, immediately turning to her. 
"Really, really well."

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