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25 chapters. That is special. Also, thanks for nearly 3k reads!! And over 100 votes! What the hell?

Charlotte angrily walked towards the Most Wanted Wall, a picture of her brother in her hand. Over the past month, he'd been showing up in various investigations, from terrorist acts to murdering. She'd had enough.

As she got to the wall, she slammed his photo over someone who'd been already caught; Charlotte did not bother to remember the name. Charlotte could already feel everyone's attention on her, for she'd asked for a gathering by the wall.
"You find him," she started, shouting. "You bring him to me. He puts up a struggle, then kill him. Make it a priority. Understand?" Everyone in the office nodded. In the corner of her eye, Charlotte could see Whitmore looking at her. She saw the nod he gave her. As Charlotte walked away from the wall, everyone went back to their business. Rian joined her.
"Boss, we've just gotten a reply from the BOLO we put out," he informed her.
"You can call me Charlotte, Connor. Merlin knows we'll be partners forever," Charlotte told him. "Where?"
"His car is near the building. Nott has gone to see if he is inside it."
"Has he taken his wand? He'll need to check for bombs."
"Yes. In fact, here he is-"
"His car's out front," Nott shouted, breathless. "I think there may be something in it, but my wand could not detect where. I think we should evacuate the building." Charlotte exchanged a look with Rian.
"I'll go see if I can stop from kabooming," he said, and dashed away immediately.
"We'll start the evac," Charlotte ordered. Nott nodded and ran to his desk, picked up the phone and yelled some things into it. Charlotte did not wait for him and went straight downstairs to help people get out of the building.

Charlotte could not remember the last time she'd run that much, yanking open doors left and right, yelling for people to move. She could hear someone announcing for people to leave the building. She'd made it to the top floor before she crashed into Nott, who was stood at his desk.
"What are you doing?" Charlotte demanded, standing in front of him.
"Protecting the computers," he muttered, unfocused. Trying to keep her calm, Charlotte's mind moved elsewhere.
"What about Connor? Is he out?" Nott paused. "Now that I come to think of it-" before Charlotte could find that out, something explode and it knocked both Charlotte and Nott over; luckily they'd been the only people in the office and hopefully the building. The blow knocked Charlotte out.

When she opened her eyes again, there was light and three shadows. Charlotte blinked multiple times, and heard a familiar voice mutter her name.
"Lottie!" Fred sounded relieved.
"You don't work here," she groaned in reply. Fred snorted. She turned to Rian and Nott. "Casualties?" They shared a look.
"Think we got lucky," Nott said carefully. "Seven dead. Thirty two injured."
"And we've got a trail on Malfoy," Rian added. Fred had walked away by now; it was likely he was making friends. Charlotte could not help but watch him, listening as Rian and Nott made reports to her. Once they'd finished, she turned to Rian.
"You said there was a grenade ring?" Rian nodded. "Do you have it?" He held up the grey circle. Charlotte grabbed it from him. "Both of you, go home. That's an order." And she pushed her way through the two of them to Fred.
"Fred, baby, come over here for a moment," she asked him, grabbing his arm and leading him to a quieter place.
"Why?" Fred questioned, looking confused.
"I need to tie my shoelace..." she knelt down. Then, she presented the grenade ring. "Marry me."
"What? Charlotte, stand up, you're in the wrong place."
"No, listen to me, Fred. We're in the midst of a war, you know. People dying left, right, centre. Hell, I could've died today. Point is, I don't know how much time we've got left together, Fred. But as long as it's with you, I don't care what happens. I want to spend the rest of my life with you," she finished, looking up at him. Fred lowered himself down so he was on his knee too.
"Are you sure I can't propose?" he asked finally. Charlotte laughed. "I mean..." he pulled a small box out from his cloak. Charlotte let out an involuntary gasp. "I've got a proper ring." Charlotte looked at Fred again.
"I asked first."
"I suppose you did, so I guess this'll be my answer." He put his ring on her.

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