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Blue Jeans//Lana Del Rey

Charlotte sat down for lunch and put her head down on the table. It was only lunch and she already wanted to die. Or quit. Or just not do school. It was getting too hard for her. She felt her friends sit beside her and what was probably Juliet pat her. 
"You'll be okay," Juliet said. 
"Okay? Okay? Do I look o-freaking-kay to you?" Charlotte replied frantically. 
"Charlotte, you can do this," Rick told her. Charlotte lifted her head. 
"I can't. I simply cannot." Rick sighed and looked at Juliet over the top of their friend's head. Juliet shrugged. 

Since the seating plan hadn't changed in her first few lessons, Charlotte knew they certainly would change for Transfiguration, and went to her normal seat like Rick and Juliet did. She even pulled out all her books, but then she put her head down again. Her worst subject was Transfiguration, but if she had found even Care Of Magical Creatures hard, then Transfiguration would kill her. Probably. 

What Charlotte didn't notice was her desk partner wander over to their desk, and see Charlotte with her head down. Fred looked thoroughly confused for a few minutes before asking aloud, "Is she dead?" Rick and Juliet looked back at their friend. 
"Don't think so." 
"Not a clue who she is," said Juliet, before turning back around. 
"Thanks for the vote of confidence, guys," said a muffled voice. 
"Wrong metaphor." 
"You don't know me, apparently; it shouldn't matter." 
"You got me there. But, no, seriously, Charlotte, lesson's starting soon." Charlotte lifted her head, then sighed. She nodded, and opened her book as McGonagall came in. 

Partway through the lesson, Charlotte felt someone looking at her. She turned to see Fred looking at her, confused. "Yes?" Charlotte asked him, not rudely. 
"Who are you?" Fred asked, confused. 
"Charlotte," she whispered back, wondering where he was getting to. 
"When did you get here?" 
"Get where?" 
"In that seat!" 
"Um, when I was put there in first year. That not ring a bell?" 
"Oh. Your loss, I guess." After a couple of minutes, he spoke again. 
"Seriously, though who are you?" 
"We've been through this. My name is Charlotte, and you can't call me Lottie." 
"What's your surname?"" Charlotte blew in a breath, then blew one out. 
"Malfoy." She saw Fred's face drop immediately. Charlotte sighed. She hated being judged straight away by her surname. It meant nothing to her, because she wasn't like any of her family at all. 

They didn't talk again for the rest of the lesson, but when Fred left, he was quite interested about how Charlotte said her surname; with a river of disgust, a side of hate and fishes of sadness. Fred was also very interested in Charlotte himself. How was it that he only just saw her there, when they had been sitting next to each other for years? Fred just didn't get it.

After stressfully completing her homework, Charlotte decided she was hungry. She hadn't really felt hunger in a long time, but now it was there and it was hungry. So, she went to the kitchens to get herself food. Who was she to deny herself her needs?

She entered the kitchen, high-fived an elf and had even opened one of the fridge doors before realising she wasn't the only one there. Frowning slightly, she leaned out the side of the fridge door and looked at the three Gryffindors at the table. There they sat, in all their glory, were the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan. Charlotte almost screamed as she saw Lee approach her. Yes, she liked him. However, he never knew when to stop with the pick-up lines. "Charlotte!" Lee exclaimed. "Lovely to see you, it's been ages! How were your holidays?" 
"Oh, you know, the usual, drowning in my sorrows, eating, crying. Yours?" 
"Lovely, thank you. So, how-" 
"I didn't get a chance to ask yet!" 
"Sorry, Lee. It's a no now, and that's not changing." 
"Anything I can do to change that?" 
"You can find me a microwave. They've got ready meals, so you'd think they have the stuff to cook it." 
"Why don't you heat it with your wand." 
"I like watching it go round and round. And I don't want to use my wand." 90% of what Charlotte did was often not magical, as it annoyed her parents lots. 
"I'll heat it up. Here," Lee said after a moment, taking the macaroni-and-cheese and heating it. 
"Thanks. Hey, how do you feel about defrosting a cheesecake?" 
"Love me a bit o' cheesecake." 

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