Chapter 39 - The Road Trip pt.1

Start from the beginning


'Is my baby still there?'

I bit my tongue. He is asking me as if we are miles away when he is only behind me.

'Are you going to reply, or would you just stare at your screen and leave me on read?'

I glanced behind me and saw he was already looking at me with a raised brow. I quickly looked at my phone screen. I guess I spaced out for too long. Who would have thought my brother would be a demanding texter?

'You're purposely doing it, aren't you, baby?'

'I'm just not used to texting you. lol.' I replied as quickly as I can. Okay, that was a lame excuse, but that's the first thing that came into my mind. He was pressuring me to reply immediately.

'I mean, I'd rather talk in person.' I added. I could never be too sure.

'You have to behave, baby girl. After the transport, we would have all the time in the world.'

My face softens upon reading his message. I guess that's true. It's not like this is a punishment as well. This is a family bonding, our trip through the wilderness and with nature.

Anyways, I would've answered Louis' text before he could scold me, but another person decided to speak. It wasn't Niall since the voice was too deep. "Louis is right. Your daughter takes a lot from you. She looks pretty and pure." I peered my gaze from my phone and saw an unknown man looking back at me. I blinked a couple of times, confused when I've realized he must be mum's new boyfriend.

My face heats up. "Oh-uh... Thank you. Nice to meet you. I'm Leticia." I said politely with an awkward smile. I know I said I am excited to meet him, but there's still this feeling you know. I'm happy for them and all, but sometimes I wish mum and dad worked it out instead. Anyway, what matters to me is that they're both happy. It's not like I'm not being well-taken care off, when in fact, I am.

"I've heard so much of you from your mother, especially from Louis, earlier." He said as they hop inside the van. Does Louis really talk about me?

"Only good things I hope," I replied bashfully. My big brother won't talk badly about me. He has always protected me to start with.

"Everyone okay? We are going." Mum announced, and in unison everyone affirmed.

The engine starts, the radio was hit, and the music started blaring lightly through the backgrounds. Ah, country music. I wish Taylor Swift would come on at some point. This would be a perfect moment to pretend I'm on a music video: I thought as I press the side of my face against the window.

What fine scenery would I be able to see there? I hope I could completely cut down each of my worries and just look ahead to enjoy it. I do not wish to exclude Niall too much nor give my big brother less. I want everyone to have fun like we always do. Why does it seem too complicated right about now?

From the outside, my eyes traveled in front of me. Mum was happy, laughing along with whatever this guy had said. It used to be her and dad.

Suddenly, Niall's words echoed through my mind: that somehow Louis would get tired of me like he always does. But I'm not like one of his toy trucks. I'm a human, his. Is love not really forever? If so, why do we even love in the first place? If he found me troublesome, would he do all the things we did with another? I held unto my heart. I couldn't imagine it happening. I couldn't let that happen. But then again, this might be one of Niall's tricks. I mean, this problem is possible for all relationships. It just happened that Louis and I's are a little bit tilted and far from the norm.

"Leticia, are you okay?" I felt an arm over my shoulder. I looked up and saw Niall with a frown. He gave me a look- which I returned with a weak smile. Right we are here to leave our worries away: I told him that earlier. I should set an example and do the same.

"Of course, I am. I'm just trying to remember if whether I put my toothbrush or not." I lied with a soft chuckle. It's not the case, for my chuckle left my lips forced. Luckily enough, Niall understood that I do not want to talk about it. He sent a small smile over my direction before patting my shoulder.

"Are you getting dizzy? The ride is just starting." Louis popped his head from above us, resulting in me to gasp softly in surprise. He came too suddenly.

"No, I'm okay big brother," I answered

"I have candy here. Do you want one?" He asked, showing it to me. I smile slightly.

"No, it's al-"

But before I could even answer, he already unwrapped it and is grinning. "Say 'ahh' Come on."


He popped over inside my mouth, pushing the hard sweet past my lips. "Very good. There's still much from where it came from so don't be shy." He winked, pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear. I immediately look away to get a hold of my emotions. "What about you, Nialler? I know you want one. You always cry for this."

"I don't want it."

"Oh come on Niall. Here, I know you do." Louis pushed. I watch them as they started arguing.

"I'm not a kid anymore, Louis," Niall complained as Louis forced him to take it. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle. Right, they're still Louis and Niall- so much have changed, but somehow they're still the same.

"I can't believe I'm still going to say this, but Niall and Louis please behave," Mum stated. I tried resisting a giggle, but it was so apparent, I should just let it go.

Niall blushed a little, taking the candy while Louis just winked back at me. They're both sillies in their own way. 


Omg. Thank you guys so much for the 214K reads! I never thought this story would blow up like this. I hope you're still enjoying the story. I love you all! 

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