Sometimes those who die stay dead

Start from the beginning

"I always hated when you lied to me." His eyes flicked up to hers. She found it so odd to look in his eyes and see them as they once were so long ago. She thought that part of him was lost forever, but she was wrong. And for once she was glad she was. 

"I hated lying to you." She admitted as she looked him over. "Let's agree to never lie again... or try to kill each other."

Ben's head ticked to the side in contemplation. He waited just long enough for Aria's eyes to widen in horror, then he gave a soft smile. "Deal."

"You are absolutely horrible." She told him as she started to walk through the dark, eerie halls. She didn't know where she was going, but a feeling in her gut directed their way through the dim rooms. 

The gravel crunched under each of her steps and her bated breaths echoed off the black, stone walls. The same chill followed them down the chain, Aria thought it was impossible for the chill to get any colder, but she was proved wrong. Her teeth chattered as a bead of sweat dripped down the back of her neck. 

"It doesn't feel right here," Aria whispered as she turned a corner. "I'm freezing but hot. It's the literal representation of hell freezing over." She threw her brother a look as she shook her head. "Places like this shouldn't exist."

"It's evil incarnate." He told her lowly as he looked back down the hallway they just entered. "It's supposed to make those on the light side feel that way." He assured her that the conflicting feelings was, essentially, a good thing. 

Aria didn't think of it that way, but she still looked Ben over for any sign of perspiration. She found it along his hairline and the collar of his black shirt. She wanted to keep checking, but the hair on her arms stood to attention, she spun towards the danger just as two guards ran from a hidden alcove. 

She instinctively grabbed her pistol from her thigh holster and raised it to shoot the two guards down. They hit the floor before they even had time to raise their own weapons. Aria lowered her gun and looked back at Ben to motion towards the guards. "There's going to be more."

"You've gotten better at that." Ben told her as he pulled his own blaster out.

Aria gave a smile despite the situation, then turned to sprint down the way her gut lead her. She kept her blaster armed as she and Ben scaled through the halls. 

She sensed more danger just around the corner and rounded it with her blaster already aimed. Ben ran to her other side so both of them shot down a guard before they sprinted down the way the guards were.  

"Where's your saber?" Aria asked as she sprinted by his side. She spared a glance his way but found it hard to focus on him and running at the same time, so she looked back forward. 

"I threw it in the ocean."

"Well, that wasn't a good idea." She told him as she raised her blaster to shoot a guard in front of them. As he fell they turned the corner and headed left. 

Ben lifted his arm behind him to shoot a guard at their backs. 

"It was part of the old me." He explained to her as they turned to run through a thin alleyway. "I didn't want it anymore."

"Well... it would have been nice for this... ya know." She gave him a sarcastic look as they broke through the mouth of the alley. Both Aria and Ben had this guns raised as they looked each way. When the coast was clear they dropped their blasters and began to jog again. 

Aria only made it a few steps before her heart started to flutter. She barely had time to acknowledge the feeling before four guards stepped out from a valley in front of them. Each were armed with huge, alarming machetes. 

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