Fool Me Once, Shame on You

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Aria sat in her father's closet. Surrounded by the heavy scent of Han Solo, Aria crossed her legs, relaxed every muscle in her body, and thought of going home. 

For someone who had traveled her entire life, going home was never a thought she had. But if she had to pick one specific place that felt homey to her, Han Solo's closet was it. 

So she tried to clear her mind of all her responsibilities and self-arguments to focus on reflecting, but just like the day before, and the one before that, and the whole week before that. She didn't know what she was suppose to be reflecting. 

Hello? Aria's voice echoed through her head. I'm supposed to be reflecting so, what questions do I have for the universe?

Aria felt stupid. She felt so incredibly stupid to be sitting in a closet thinking of questions she wanted answered. If she knew what questions she wanted to ask, wouldn't she have already answered them?

Alright, what big questions do I have for the universe? Where do I even start... why do people have the force? I understand they have it because they have midi-chlorian in their blood and the greater the amount the greater their powers, but why? Why create something that could be used so destructively? The balance between light and dark is needed because of the midi-chlorian, anyways. Without them, everyone would be on an equal playing field and we wouldn't need to fight to keep the balance. 

So why? Aria thought louder. Why give some people this power that they can use to manipulate, kill, hurt, maim... why give it to some people and not others? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?

A headache began to pound at the base of Aria's skull, and she had to stop. 

She opened her eyes to see the darkness of the closet around her. The light from Han's room shined over the jackets, and some were still new enough to have the smallest of shine on them. 

Aria stood and grabbed a random vest from a hangar. She pulled it over her beige long-sleeved top. The brown of the vest was several shades darker than her hair and it was almost too large for her. The straps of the vest took up all the space on her shoulders and the tips of it fell down past her belt. But it was her father's, and that made it perfect for her. 

She left the closet with her newest accessory and grabbed her weapon belt from the bed. She clipped it around her waist then slouched forward to clip the thigh holster around her right thigh. It fit snuggly against the black fabric of her jeans but allowed for expansion should she have to run. 

Aria moved into the bathroom and turned the faucet on to splash water over her face. After a week in space she was glad she had her own bathroom, trying to find a time to clean herself between Chewie, Rose and Finn's schedule would be chaotic. But being a Solo gave her certain privileges, like using her dad's room and his attached bathroom. 

After her face was pink from her aggressive scrubbing, she left her personal quarters to relieve Rose and Chewie's post as pilots. 

She ran into Finn in the hall as he made his way to the cockpit too. "How much longer until we're there?" Finn asked her. 

Aria gave a sigh as she tried to gauge their remaining travel time. "Well, this system is almost beyond the outer rim so, it's quite a while." She told him. "We have another week of travel, minimum, then we have to actually acquire the goods, then two more weeks of travel time back to Count Jackass so, we still have a while." Aria clapped Finn's shoulder as he deflated. "I told you this mission wouldn't be as fun as you thought." She dropped her hand from his shoulder as she slipped in front of him to enter the cockpit. "Alright, you two take a shower and a nap. We got it from here." Aria rubbed her hands together as she moved to the side to let Chewie and Rose pass by. 

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