24| what should I call you?

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Everything was black for a while until it just wasn't.

Waking up from the induced drug haze I had been under was like resurfacing from the murky dark depths of the ocean. One second you can't hear anything, see anything, feel anything and the next moment, everything comes back to you full force, making you feel disorientated and very overwhelmed.

I opened my eyes as confusion swirled through my mind, making it hard to concentrate on anything. The first thing I noticed was that I was on a bed, a really soft bed. The next thing was the smell. It was almost thick and heavy with dust, strangling my airways and making it hard to breathe.

I just lay there as my head became clearer and more focused; my eyes seemed to travel around the room that I was in as the full force impact of the realisation that I had been kidnapped kicked me in the gut.

So that had actually happened to me? I was still drowsy from the chloroform that I almost didn't believe was true but my sense surpassed everything else as I got to grips with my situation.

Where was I and what was he going to do with me?

The room was grand and the walls covered in bricks. It seemed both homely and too foreign, making me confused in my analysis.

I quickly stood up, testing out my limbs to see that they were strong enough to hold my body and when I realised that they were, I looked around me in a panic as I thought of any possible solutions to escaping the situation I was in.

I had to look at the facts and not let the emotions whisk me away to a place where I would no longer be able to control my destiny.

I inhaled a lungful of dusty air and exhaled, repeating this a few times as I tried to force my body to calm down and cooperate.

My body still felt itchy and tense with apprehension but the breathing did manage to help and I did feel better.

This time when I looked around the room, I was able to do it in a much better way.

I noted a few things down in my head.

I hadn't been tied up. He had put me on a bed in this room and there was no one in here with me currently. All of which didn't make it seem that this situation was too dangerous but I wouldn't assume, not yet. To do that would be a fools move, a victim rendering herself with no escape.

I looked around the room for what felt like the thousandth time and ended at the door.

It seemed pretty harmless but I had no idea what was lurking on the other side. Unfortunately, there were no windows in the room which left me with no other choice but to use that door to leave. I could stay and wait for the stalker to come and get me but what good would that do? I had to leave; people protecting others didn't just kidnap people for the sake of it. He had a plan for me and I'd rather not be here to see it in action.

Quiet as a mouse, I tiptoed to the door. My body was silent as was the room but my heart which was pumping in my chest, matching the surging adrenaline in my blood was making me paranoid. It was making me think that I wasn't being so silent and that I'd be caught.

Despite my thoughts, I pushed them to the back of my mind as I concentrated on making my feet as noiseless as possible as I continued to lurk to the door.

When I was close to it, a dent in the wall in an odd shape like a horse stopped me in my tracks.

I turned to look at it, forgetting the exit for just a second as I tried to figure out why this indent was so enthralling.

Looking at it further with my eyes scrunched up in concentration, I brought my fingers to the mark, tracing the weird outline of the shape to the cold wall.

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