1| goodbye Darcy

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As I sat perched on the sofa with one leg crossed over the other and an untouched Jack and Coke in my hand, I studied my surroundings with detached boredom.

The party was in full swing and had been ten minutes ago when I had arrived.

Everyone was gathered in the centre of the room, their dancing bodies moving in sync with each other and the music, underneath the bright, shining lights. The alcohol flowing through their veins allowed them to let go of all their inhibitions, relax and be free; satisfaction and happiness pouring out of their moving limbs as they whirled together as a unit.

I carried on watching them and felt a little pinch of envy.

They didn't know how lucky they were to be able to be happy, to be truly happy with the lives they had.

I felt movement to the side of me and couldn't help as boredom and a growing frustration pulled my gaze from my previous view to a newer one.

Over to my left, a man that appeared to be close to my age was undoubtedly drunk, the poison coursing through his veins taking reign over any semblance of control over his own body, leaving him wobbling all over the place as if this was his first time walking. I watched as he managed to make it inches away from the sofa before his body crashed and he headbutted the edge of the armrest.

I was almost expecting it but still winced in pain for him and I stood up, aiming to help him, grateful for the distraction and and for no longer needing to pretend to be remotely interested in the party.

As I walked over to him and pulled his heavy body up so that he was perched on the sofa, I realised that it was Mark from my chemistry class.

His head collapsed on my shoulder as he mumbled something incoherently and I sighed in dissatisfaction. I understood why people got drunk but why take it so far? What did any of this achieve?

When I looked over to check on him, his eyes were drowsily focused on mine. His hand wobbled as he tried to move it to my cheek.

"Darcy, I think I love you," he muttered as his head shook closer to mine, trying to bridge the gap. I could smell the hot fumes of his alcohol coated breath and it was making me feel slightly nauseous.

For God's sake. I did not need this now.

"Come on Marky," I told him as I rejected his looming kiss and tried to use my weight to get him off the sofa. All he needed was to be upstairs in one of the many rooms, sleeping the alcohol off, not falling after every step or confessing his love to someone, all of which he wouldn't even remember in the morning.

He groaned as his body finally managed to get upright and I grunted from the weight I was now carrying.

We moved slowly and only stopped when we got to the bottom of the stairs where some guy that I had seen from the corridors in school came down, blocking the path as he looked over at Mark in concern.

"Let me help you, Darcy," he said sincerely as he grabbed the other side of Mark's shoulder.

I muttered my thanks and we both dragged him up the stairs before dumping him on the bed in the first room we could find.

I checked that all his airways were open and I got him a glass of water before sitting down and making sure that he was alright.

The guy stood in the doorway and watched me watch Mark.

I looked over at him to see if he wanted something but when our gazes met, a sheepish expression came across his face and his hand came to rub his neck in an awkward position.

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