16| old allies

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I was still overwhelmingly disappointed with the turn of events tonight. My stalker seemed to have had a tight mouth and I had not gained any new information or anything from his presence apart from a near kidnapping which would've happened if the guys had not been there.

I walked underneath the dark, beautiful sky, glowing underneath the eery moonlight as I questioned why they were all here.

Reed I had asked to come so I was unsurprised to see him. However, for the others, I wasn't too sure. I had watched Lennox and he seemed utterly confused and disorientated so I didn't know how he got here and for Dorran, Archer and Marcelo? One could only mysteriously wonder why they had decided to make an appearance.

The strangest thing about tonight had not been their appearance, the near kidnapping or the arrival of Tay and his men who had always felt like a fun uncle of sorts and who had always looked out for me when my family weren't there for me, it was Dorran's behaviour.

I was pretty sure that he hated me; the plain indifference that seemed to scream loathing and hatred underneath was all he ever showed on his face as he watched me so I was confused at his actions tonight. Not only had he come to this place where I had thought only Reed and I would be, but I also didn't miss the part where he pushed me behind him in an attempt to protect me.

Feeling the strong arms hold me back behind his to shield me from imminent danger had made me lose all clarity I had on the situation. It had also evoked some pretty messed up feelings inside of me at his change of heart and I hoped he would go back acting as he usually did so I wouldn't get confused and start to lower my guard. At the end of the day, he had still done some horrible things and I was sure lots more bad things were coming.

He was confused this second, blinded by his caveman instincts to protect the weak having forgotten his previous judgements but he'd soon see reality and go back and I'd have to be ready. I was not weak or vulnerable and I would not be taken down by anyone.

Tay nudged me, making me lose my train of thought and I smiled up at him in gratitude. I didn't want to think about pointless things anymore.

"You always get lost in your little head," his deep voice rumbled to me, a great contrast to the cheeky smile he had on his face.

"I think it's my biggest problem," I replied to him with a mirroring expression on my face.

If anyone in this world could make me feel safe and without any problems, it was Tay.

Having had a weak family support system at home and after my father had been taken away, I was lost. Bumping into Tay one day had saved me from being ruined so far that I would no longer be able to be repaired.

Tay was a big, burly guy with a scary face on him, intimidating any and all who came close but I had always seen a friendly man with that smile of his locked on his face despite his scary appearance. I loved him and he felt more like my family than my own parents did which was why I felt so comfortable with him.

"I think your friends were surprised that you know me," he continued in the darkness with only the moonlight illuminating the hard edge of his face.

We carried on walking whilst I looked back at 'my friends'. They were behind us, several feet, and they were in a line, not talking, but they looked like a unit. I knew that they were surprised that I knew Tay but no one out of them deserved to know apart from Lennox and after this whole night was over, I was going to tell him everything, sick of the secrets piling on top of each other.

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