Chapter 8

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Ok these chapters are just going to take place during the school year


" So Hermione what's the first class today" i say

"Well you and Ron have Biology and me and Harry have History Of magic" she says.Me and Ron get up and start walking to class.

"I do not like biology at all" I say

"I don't like it ether" he says and we both laugh

Once we walk into the room we see pots everywhere. We both look at each other unenthusiastic. We do the work finally. It was hard but we had some good laughs. Like when Ron barred half his scarf in the pot on accident. Or when I almost stepped in a pile of dirt. When class was over we left with smiles on are faces.

Once we finish classes for the rest of the day I say bye to Ron,Harry,and Hermione and go sit by Daphne.

"Ok so today me and Ron where in biology and he barriers half his scarf." I say while laughing.

The three of them looked at me with their face saying "that's not funny" I look at them

"It was funny at the moment" AI day and they still just look at me.

"Ok never mind" I say while sitting down across from Draco.

"So Draco" I say and look at him" Why are you so mean to my brother" he looks at me with a face that says "Are you kidding me"

Lol this face

He doesn't answer so we talk about something else

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He doesn't answer so we talk about something else. We talk about class and about all of are teachers. Dracos favors Snape. Theodore and Daphne like Flitwick. And I like Mcgonagal ( No surprise there). We talk about other random stuff then we get up and leave. We walk back to the common room sit down and start doing are homework. Once we finish it's pretty late at night so we decide to go to sleep. Well me and Daphne decide to. We walk into the room and put are pjs on. We decide to right Remus a letter cause I miss him. I start writing and it makes me miss him even more.

The letter

Dear Remus,

I hope you get this. I really miss you. But I am having so much fun here at Hogwarts. Me and Hermione are the best at pretty much everything in are year. And me and Hermione have every class together. But sometimes the schedule is weird so sometimes I don't have a class with her.Harry,Ron, and Hermione are up to something. They told me but I don't think it's a good idea. I worried for them.But mostly for Harry. I mean he is my brother though. He likes to bring up that's he's older but he's only older by three minutes. On a happier note I'm doing really well in class. I also became friends with a girl named Daphne. And two boys named Theodore and Draco.You night know his dad. Well anyways all three of them are super nice. Though Draco is always mean to Harry.But when Harry's not around Draco is supper nice. To sum that up all I'm saying is that Dracos really nice when he's not being mean to Harry.Also I don't really want to say this but I probably should. Most nights I have nightmares and I always wake up screaming. It's a good thing that's Daphnes there though. I feel bad that I wake her up but she says that it's fine. But I really do feel bad about it. Harry says he has nightmares too. But I don't know if their the same. I should ask what his nightmares are about so I know if their the same. Ok anyways I hope your doing good and I miss you.
Love Harper

Once I finish writing the letter I give it to Silvia and tell her to give it to Remus. She leaves and I go and sit on my bed. Thinking

"What are you thinking about" says Daphne

" I think Remus might be my godfather" I say

"Why do you think that" she says

" Because he was the one who watched me most of the time. And he acts like my uncle." I say then it dawns on me." I think he was close to my parents. Him and that murder Sirius Black" I say with realization coming across my face. " I don't know for sure though" I say

We talk some more until we're tired then we fall asleep. And for once in my life I don't have any dreams.

Ok sorry this is so short. I think the next chapter will be Christmas

Hope you are enjoying this book so far

Love you Astriod

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