Chapter 10

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No one likes my book but I am going to keep writing

Hope you like it

Harpers POV
Close to end of year

These last couple months have been bad. I still get threats from Quirrell most days. And Harry fell off his broom. And him,Hermione, and Ron all think it was Snape. If only I could tell them or anyone for that matter that it wasn't him. It was Quirrell. Life was terrible at the moment. I got threatened most days and was scared out of my wits. I missed Remus.

"What's first today" I say as I was walking with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. I knew that today they were going to try and go under the three headed dog. I was going to stay in case they were gone longer then expected. So then I could go tell Dumbledore. We went through classes like normal.

" Alright please say safe tonight" I say and give Hermione and Ron a hug, And Harry a brotherly kiss on his forehead.

I go and sit next to Daphne with Draco and Theodore across from us.

"So how has your guys day been going so far" says Theodore

" Good" us three all say at the same time.

"Wow that explains a lot" says Theodore and we all start laughing at Theodores goofiness.

"All threw out the day I worry about Harry, Ron and Hermione. What they are going to do tonight is dangerous. I don't see them much. They spend their day in the bathroom planing out the mission. I want to go with them. But I am to scared to face Voldemort agian. And someone should stay back in case their home for to long.

After my last class I see Quirrell in the hallway. I try not to look at him but he sees me.

" Miss Potter. May I see you in my office" he says and I tremble a bit.

"Yes sir" I say quietly and follow him into his office. Once were both in he puts a silencing charm on the door. I start to freak out a bit. If I tell no one will hear me.

"I am sorry about this" he says in a sarcastic voice. I look up just in time for him to say crucio. My dream is coming true. I scream but no one heard me. It hurts so bad thousands of pins and needles pierce my skin. It goes on for what feels like an hour. Then he looks me in a closet. It still hurts but the connections not as strong so it doesn't hurt as bad. I start to talk to myself. Trying to keep myself awake. After a while the pain becomes so bad I fall asleep.

Snakes POV
(Weird I know)

It's been 20 minutes since Harper went on the room with Quirrell. And she looked nervous. And very scared. I Then see Quirrell walking out of the room with a smile on his face. 5 minutes. I will give her 5 minutes to come out. If she doesn't I am going in.

5 minutes later

She hasn't come out so I am going in. I walk in and I don't see her anywhere.I start checking the closets. I open the last closet and their on the ground in Harper. Her face makes it seem like she's in a lot of pain.I tap her on the shoulder and she flinches. She doesn't wake up so she must have passed out from pain of something unknown. I pick her up and run to the Hospital wing. And fortunately enough I don't see anyone students. in with Harper in my arms and Madem Pomfre looks up at me.

"Oh dear out her here" she says and pats on an empty bed. "What happened to her" she says. I go to and see back but then the doors burst open and Dumbledore bursts in.

"Dose anyone.I ow where Harper Potter is" he says. I move be over so he can see her. She's silently shaking and what looks to be mumbling to herself.

"Oh dear" he says while looking at her " that looks like the effects of the Cruciates curse" he says

"It couldn't be" says Madam Pomfree

"I'm afraid he's correct" I say

"We don't have anything we can do for her here" says Madam Pomfree

" we must let her sleep and hopes she forgets about the incident. " says Dumbledore. Right after he finishes the sentence Hermione comes running in trying to hold Ron up.

"Someone please help" she says.I close the curtains around Harper's bed as Madam Pomfree goes over to Ron.

"What happened to him" says Dumbledore as Made! Pomfree treats his wounds. She then proceeds to tell us about them and the stone.

"I will go down and get the boy" say Dumbledore "As for everyone here please do not leave the room. He then walks out of the room.

Harry's point of view
Hermione and Ron are out of Hospital Wing Harry is awake
After convo with Dumbledore

" wait see do you know where my sister is" i say because no one has said a word about my sister and I haven't seen her once.

"she is sick and being taken care of somewhere else" he says while yelling bad for lying to Harry. He just knew that Harry wouldn't understand what had happened to his sister entil he was older.

"Can I see her sir" I say

"In time" he says back " Now you must get to the feast your friends are wating" he says and leaves. I Then change in to my robes and try not to worry to much about Harper. I walk outside and see Ron and Hermione.

"Harry" Hermione yells and she hugs me " Your okay" she says

"I told you he would be" says Ron. We then start to walk to the Great Hall for are feast.

"Have your herd anything about Harper" I say and they both look at me.

" no we haven't no one will tell us anything " says Ron

"We k now that all the teaches know what happened to her but they won't tell us" says Hermione

" I really hope she's okay" I say

"Me too" says Hermione "She's one of my best friends" we then continue are walk to the Great hall.

Okay so all of you guys are loving it

It makes me so happy

Okay anyway s there is one chapter left or at least I think so I might end up wanting to add a chapter after that.

Also I think I'm going to cast someone as Harper so if you have any suggestions please comment down below

And lastly what do you think is going to happen

Love you all so so so so so so so so much -Astriod

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