Chapter 1

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Hi it's Astriod this is my first HP fan fic I hope you like it

The main character (Harry's twin sissters) name is Harper.

Please read it. And remember this is the first chapter So it's setting up the story.

Now into the story.

"Yes Remus you asked for me. " I say.

All my life I have lived in a orphanage but then one day last year. To be exact it was one year before I would go to Hogwarts. But I didn't know that then. All I knew then was that my wish had become true. I was getting rescued.

"Harper I have something to tell you." Says Remus. " You know that your parents were wizards . You know that much. But the people you read about in the books. The Potters well there your actual parents. " He says.

"So that means-"

"Yes" he says. " You have a brother and to be exact a twin brother. Your names not Harper Lily Miller. It's actually Harper Lily Potter. " He finishes

" And your just telling me now" I say

"I am sorry you never knew. Dumbledore thought it would be best if you didn't know." Says Remus

"Why did he separate us?" I ask

" Because it's better this way"

" Did he live a life like me or did he have a better life. "

In the orphanage I grew up in all the kids were pure evil to me. They would gang up on me and kick me or they would tell lies to the owner of the orphanage just to be mean. And she always believed them. So that would mostly leave me with no food or getting whipped. Then Dumbledore came and took me away it was the best day of my life. He explained magic to me and told me about Hogwarts.He then dropped me off at the house that I live in. I don't necessarily have a guardian here. There is just always someone here to take care of me. Mostly professor McGonagall who was more like a mother figure then a teacher. Remus who knew my dad so he must feel sorry for me.And some times Dumbledore.Bunches of other people come and go. They come talke and then they leave. Sometimes there would be meetings while I slept or if it was during day time they would lock me in my room. Which wasn't bad there was stuff to do.

" No your brother did not grow up in a orphanage like you" said Remus. " He is with a family of muggles who were related to your mom"

" Why couldn't I go too . " I say while starting to cry. " Then I wouldn't have been starved half my life I would have this on my leg" I say and point at my thigh were there was a scar of a knife cutting into me from one of the girls at my orphanage because I told the lady that worked the orphanage that they were lying and she yelled at them which is nothing compared to what has happened to me from her. Then after we were excused in my sleep the girls help me down and stick a knife into my leg and i passed out do to blood lost. They took me to the hospital and that was the first time I met Remus he was sitting there when I woke up.

"Because you needed to be separated and that was the closet place to one of us." says Remus hugging me.

" I am sorry I yelled" I say " I just wish I had a good life like Harry has. "

"It's okay we all understand" he says.I

One day later

I know there was a meeting in the middle of the night I woke up from a bad dream and herd talking.
Normally they make it so it's quiet with a spell. But they didn't do that means it was not scheduled or They thought I was not going to wake up. I think it's the first one but I will never know for sure. After 20 minutes of talking it became quiet and I finally went back to sleep only to dream of the same thing I dreamed of before. My own death. I convinced my self that it was just a dream after I woke up for the second time.But it might be true and I won't know if it's true till it happens.If it happens.

I got out of bed and went down stairs and Remus was there cooking pancakes for breakfast.

"Good morning" says Remus "How are you doing today."

" good" I say while eating the pancakes

"Today we're going to go get your stuff for Hogwarts" he says. I look at him with a excited look on my face.

Time skip to Diagon Ally

"Wow" I say.

I am not out of the house much. Well I am never out side of the house. Dumbledore,Remus, and McGonagall never let me out of the house and they are the ones who are there with me most of the time and everyone else who is at the house always says no.

We walk till we see the sign that says Ollivanders
Wand Shop. We walk in side.

"An Miss Potter" I hear and jump a tiny bit. Then a wand gets shoved at me. I don't know what to do with it so I do what seems most logical and I move it a bit. A bunch of wands fall off the shelf but Remus puts them back on the shelf with magic. I then get that wand taken from me and I get a new one. I swish it and a circle of light comes from it and goes around me then disappears.

"Well looks like you have your wand" says the man that I assume is Mr.Ollivanders after thinking about it. He looks at Remus.

"Hey Harper why don't you go pick out a owl while I pay for it" says Remus. I Then go to the shop next door making sure to hide my scar on my left shoulder. It's the exact same as Harrys but on my shoulder. I have been taught not to be ashamed of it. But at the orphanage everyone would bet me up because of it so I hide it with my hair.

I walk and hear yelling "But mom Percy has his own bird." Then I assume his mom yells back " You can just use the family bird. " I look and see a group of red heads I assume that they are all I family. I look away before they can tell that I am looking at them.

I look around the shop and see a bird that I like. It's brown and beautiful.

"What's the name of this one." I say to the worker. I feel the stares of the dad of the group of red heads behind me. I try to act like I don't notice but I tremble a bit.

"She doesn't have a name yet." Says the store clerk.

" I'll take her" I say and leave with the owl that I have named Silvia (sil-v-a) and bump into Remus.

"Look what I got. Do you like her." I say

"she's wonderful" he says. Then the group of Red heads leave the store there father then looks Remus and Remus noods to him.

"Harper stay here for a moment I have to talk to him" says Remus. I nood a Yes to him and I look at my bird so I don't have to look the redheads in the faces.

" Hi I am Ginny " says the youngest and only daughter of the group

"Hi"I say back" I am" I look at Remus he noods "I am Harper nice to meet you" I say.

We talk in till Remus comes and gets me.

"It's time to leave" he says

" bye Ginny"I say.We then walk away we go get everything else in the list the we go back home.

Harper Potter Book 1Where stories live. Discover now