Chapter 35 - Starting Over

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Maya looked over her son as he was having his daily screen time while she was busy doing some work.
Having your child processing his father now in his life was something she never wanted to influence him negatively but he isn't talking to her so she doesn't know how to actually take everything.
She hears the doorbell going towards it immediately seeing the guy she fell in love with.

"Hey, come in," Maya said as Josh looked at his son.
"He okay? He was very quiet the last time," Josh said.
"He has to get used to you. A week isn't a lot of time to make up for three years. I'm glad you're here. His birthday is the 15th. I was actually hoping you could help with the arrangements," Maya said.
"That is a Tuesday so what do you usually do then?" Josh asked.
"I was thinking of doing like a party on the 12th which is a Saturday and then just have something small for his birthday. Maybe just a visit with his dad," Maya said.
"We can do the party and then the Tuesday I will spend time with you two. I'll put in some leave for the day. I'm pretty sure the people will be able to manage. I actually went to watch your channel. To see... Or actually just to catch up on what I've missed with Gabriel," Josh said.
"And?" Maya asked as she waited for a reply while putting away Gabriel's washing.

Of course she knew there would be nothing wrong.
She was very careful not to share too much info about Josh in the internet and neither of Gabriel too much since he is just a kid.

"You've done a great job raising him Maya. You may not think so but you did a fantastic job. And I can see he is the happiest little boy there is. You gave him everything he needed and which he wanted. No mother could do better," Josh said and Maya smiled.
"You sound more like you are in love. Thank you. I'm glad I did give the whole motherhood a shot. I'm happy and so is my baby boy," Maya said.
"What about we make him happier by saying his parents are giving each other another shot?" Josh asked and Maya nod in response.

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