Chapter 18 - Meet My Baby Boy

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Two hours later and everyone was there waiting for some news on Maya and the baby. Shawn and Katy were going a bit impatient since they just wanted to see Maya since it was too late when they got to the hospital since Maya was already very far and they were in Manhattan.

"What is taking them so long?" Shawn asked.
"Calm down. They're probably cleaning him up, stitching Maya up... It takes time," Topanga said and a doctor came out.
"You can go in."
"Thank you," Cory said and they all went in.

They saw Maya laying on the bed with a baby on her chest and she spotted Riley.

"Hey," Riley said.
"Come in guys," Maya said.
"My goodness. Look at his little hands," Cory said.
"Hey say hello Baby Boy," Maya said.
"How are you feeling?" Shawn asked.
"I'm feeling okay," Maya said.
"He is precious Maya," Alan said.
"Thank you. Where is Lucas?" Maya asked.
"He is getting the gang. So what's the little guy's name?" Riley asked.
"You haven't decided yet, have you?" Katy said.
"Gabriel Alan Matthews," Maya said.
"Gabriel? Wow his father's middle name and his grandfather's first name," Amy said.
"I want him to have family names. And he will. Like it?" Maya asked.
"Of course we do," Auggie said.
"Is it okay I used your name?" Maya asked.
"But of course. I'm feeling very privileged to have my name a part of my grandson's," Alan said.
"Okay let's give Maya some time with her parents. I'll pop in later," Riley said.
"Thank you."

"We're proud of you Maya. You have a beautiful son," Katy said.
"Hopefully his father will want contact with me one day," Maya said.
"He is an..."
"Shawn not now please. Let's give her some rest. We'll see you later," Katy said.

Maya looked down at her son who was absolutely perfect.
She couldn't get over the fact of how he looked and thought that he would look just like his father.

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