Chapter 14 - Deciding On A Name

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It was a Sunday afternoon and Maya was now thirty weeks which meant that she was pretty big and she just wanted to have the baby.
She want as big as she thought she was but she was pretty big according to her.
She was six and a half months in the pregnancy and now she was seeing forward.
Shawn and her mother obviously went out for dinner but Maya said that she didn't want to go along so she just stayed at home.
She was looking through a bunch of names trying to find one for her child.
She knew she basically had three more months for that but she wanted to make sure that she had one.
She looked around until she saw one she really did like.
She looked up the name revealing the naming to be God Is My Strength.
Sbe then looked up a nickname which meant noble, handsome and cheerful.
She smiled as she put the two words together with the last name Matthews since she wanted everyone to know who the father was and saw that she liked it.
She smiled as she put it in the back of her diary for her to remember.
She knew that would be her son's name.
Finish and done.

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