Chapter 12 - It's A...

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It was the next day as well as Sunday which meant that it was a quite relaxed day.
No, because Maya told everyone to be at the Matthews house at about noon which meant that she just had a few more hours to get everything ready.
She was very nervous to announce that she found out the gender as well to tell everyone else since she wasn't very big on a fixed gender since she hasn't known for very long.
But the first thing Maya did when she woke up which was around nine-thirty was that she got dressed and blow dried her hair.
She knew taht it was pretty sudden to tell the gender so she wanted to make sure she looked a bit put together since it was unexpected.
As soon as Maya put the blow dryer down Shawn came in her room.

"Hey, a bakery called saying that they're done with a cake. What is going on?" Shawn said.
"Could you go pick that up and take it to the Matthews, please? I'm going there in ten minutes. Where is Mom?" Maya asked.
"She's there helping setting up everything. What's going on?" Shawn asked.
"Uncle Shawn, just pick up the cake. I'll tell you in awhile," Maya said and he was gone.


It was now three minutes to noon and Maya was excited to see that everyone was there as well as her mother event hough nobody had a clue what is going on.
Shawn and Katy looked at each other not knowing how to act but knew it was very unexpected that Maya would call even Alan and Amy out.

"Okay, can we know what is going on now?" Lucas asked.
"I found out the gender yesterday," Maya said.
"What? At fourteen weeks? That's early," Alan said.
"Yeah, I wanted to tell everyone at once so I arranged this. You guys ready?" Maya asked.
"Yeah," Shawn said.

Everyone gathered around while Maya got out a knive to cut the cake.
She cut through it looking at everyone before she placed it on a plate.
Amy came closer and saw it was blue.

"It's a boy!" Amy said and Maya smiled while everyone went wild.
"What?" Katy said.
"Yeah, it is. I'm having a boy," Maya said.
"Congrats, Maya," Smackle said and Maya smiled.
"You're dead serious? I'm having a baby nephew?" Riley asked.
"Yeah, Riles. I am. I'm having a boy," Maya said.
"Good luck with that. Take that from someone who had three," Alan said.
"Yeah, congrats. I'm happy to be apart of this," Eric said and Maya smiled.

She could feel all of the love and with that she missed Josh even more knowing that she wasn't entirely comfortable without him here.
Having him here would have made everything completed and now she feels like she's missing something.

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