xxiii. of your own

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Itachi sat in the window seal of the inn's room and stared at the sky. The silence outside of Shisui and Aiko's breathing felt so much nicer than the silence in his own home.

Both physically and mentally, he felt so much better than when he was in the village. The amount of weight that constantly rested in his chest was lifted as he stared at the moon and felt the winter breeze across his face. The feeling of the chains taken off of his chest felt so foreign. It almost felt like there was something wrong about it altogether.

He glanced over at Shisui who slept on the unfolded couch and saw the drool that fell from his mouth. He chuckled inside at the shirtless older Uchiha who slept splayed like a squid and felt the small tired smile inch on his lips. The small tired smile that had become so much rarer these days.

He was only ever alone in his thoughts when it came this time of night. His thoughts of Sasuke, Shisui, and Aiko were the only things that warmed him.

He looked over at the dark-haired girl who's hair fell all over her resting body and the smile grew a little more. He remembered the first night he spent in her home and the way she slept in her bedroom. The way she tossed and turned in her slumber with her whimpers of pain. He watched her eyebrows furrow in contempt and it was like watching the demons in her mind torment her.

He felt the weight in his stomach in response to the unease of watching Aiko's face contort in pain and it was the same weight that sat in him the day he took poison for her. He knew it was dread he felt at the idea of her in pain and he knew it was what forced his body to take it for her. Whether or not she was an enemy to his mission was no longer an aspect of consideration.

He took a deep breath out of the open window and glanced at the girl when her winding chakra spiked suddenly. He turned his full attention to her when a symbol on her arm burned red like fire and began to spread through her skin. He watched her movement grow violent in her sleep and stood silently. Walking toward her bed, he stood over her restless body and felt a memory come back.

Remembering what happened that first time he woke her up with crimson cursed eyes, and how much she panicked when he was only trying to see if there was ninjutsu being cast.

He sighed quietly and placed a hand on her small shoulder. He called her name softly was shaking her gently awake.

"I-Itachi... Please s-stay..."

He paused and leaned closer to hear her mumble through her sleep. Trying to comfort her before she might start screaming, he rubbed her shoulder in his hand.

"I... N-Never...lie to... ou." He heard her voice rasp out and her face grew wet as she repeated for him to stay.

Itachi shook his head and shook Aiko a little harder. He called her name in a soft voice and he watched her breathing pause. Turning his head, he looked to see the symbol receding into her irritated skin.

Aiko's eyes flicked open with glassy ambers to meet his dark midnight ones. He maintained eye contact with her wild and scared eyes, hoping she would understand.

That he was right there and was not going anywhere right now. That he was here for her and did not want to see her hurt.

"I am not leaving you Aiko... I know you would never lie to me... You promised to return and I will hold you to it." He spoke in his same solid tone but she felt the intentions in what he said. She felt the warmth of his feelings through his hand on her shoulder.

The tears in her eyes glimmered and she tried to swallow it down but the ache in her throat was not having it.

"I-I..." She whimpered and Itachi's heart was squeezing in his chest.

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