xv.but it hurts,

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Aiko groaned in irritation as a sound interrupted her drugged induced sleep. She swallowed at the thick syrupy vanilla taste in her mouth before opening her eyes that glowed a hazed pink as she gazed sluggishly. A creak sounded in her home and she smiled lazily.

"You people and interrupting my sleep.."

The house was silent as the girl laid close to the edge of her bed, causing her hair to fall like a dark inky waterfall to her wooden floor. The other person in her home stood still as if she was not aware he was already there.

She only stared at the dark and seemingly empty doorway because she knew who was behind it and hidden in the darkness. She could see their presence through her eyes even if it was its basic form.

"You've woken me already." She laughed softly as her tone came softly yet empty.

The wood creaked before a chuckle echoed in her silent home and the figure came forward.

Aiko sighed as she laid eyes on the man who stood in her room offering a small smile at his glowing eyes.

"Hello, child." He greeted in a slick tone, eyeing her hazed glowing eyes with want and satisfaction. She almost snorted.

It almost made him seem like a pedophile.

"I am slightly drugged, I may not be of used to you unless you plan on taking me now," Aiko smirked lightly, not having all the focus for a sharp one.

The gold snake-like eyes eyed her state with a knowing yet observing expression that she tried not to curl at the sight of.

So much bloodshed came with the sight of his presence and her body tried to ice her veins out of a warning.

"I see you have Uchiha guard dogs." He smirked and Aiko gave a breathy chuckle as she sat up from her mind-numbing position.

"They're more of a small entertainment feature until you decide to just snatch me away. Well, I wouldn't completely doubt the prodigy is able to handle you at all." Aiko sighed and the snake in front of her's smirk widened.

"Itachi is rather... Special."

You have no idea...

"I am surprised you do not just drain my life source when you notice my spying, little Aiko." He chuckled and Aiko grimaced.

"And risk touching you?" He only chuckled louder, the sound making Aiko's head throb.

"You fear seeing what I have to offer?" Orochimaru gave a sick grin that made the color drain from the dark haired girl's face. "I'm starting to think you're a bit of a coward, little Koko."

Aiko glared harshly at the teasing tone before it broke out in a slow chuckle.

"Ah, there she is... I was afraid you have turned into Izu." Aiko scowled with a pouted face.

"I am afraid I'm not here to take you yet, but I will soon." Aiko thought she was going to be sick.

Then there was a moment of silence when something forced her to look at him and she couldn't stop it. The gold eyes seemed to scan her face and she only stared.

"You should sleep more often it is rather bad for you not to." Orochimaru's word seemed sincere and it caused a loose smile to play on her lips.

"Yes, Rochi."

"I will be seeing you, little Koko." She closed her eyes before he finally disappeared after waves of chuckles that made her head pound.

And when she opened her eyes, there was silence and bright sun rays streaming through her window.

She closed her eyes as a tear fell down her cheek.

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