xxi. brimming with tears.

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The rain fell outside from the early morning sky and Aiko sat on her porch just outside of the downpour. She sipped at her tea gently with closed eyes, her hair draped down her shoulder like a waterfall.

The shinobi sleeping out of pure exhaustion laid with a pillow under his head. His dark hair sprawled about as it was finally free from the restricting ponytail. For once, Itachi had finally looked at ease while he slept just inside the doorway.

But it might have been what she slipped into his drink when he walked her home.

She laughed softly to herself, a small smile on her lips as she sipped the drink once more.

Her breath suddenly caught and she stiffened while her amber eyes squinted into the dark. She knew he was here and it bothered her that he would approach while Itachi was here.

Short of terrifying her as it felt almost like a threat.

She wondered if Itachi was deep enough asleep that his senses would remain dull and she hoped that was the case as she stood from her porch. She sat down the warm mug from her small hands before dusting off her bottom and walking down the stairs.

She felt the light droplets fall onto her hair and do an intricate dance through the strands while she approached the presence.  Following it into the woods, she frowned with gentle shivers.

Not expecting such an adventure to occur, she didn't wear much above her pajamas and found herself annoyed that she was walking in the rain in them.

Her eyes shifted to a soft pink as she followed the chakra presence while brushing past the tree branches wet with rain. The reaction only occurring because she was using chakra for more than a few moments. The darkness only lit her path to her eyes even more as it gave more way to focusing.

She glared at the man in annoyance who stood across from her while he leaned against the dark wood with a smug smirk.

"Good morning little Koko." He greeted with a slick smile and she glowered harder.

"Rochi why are you here?" She thought better than to snap, knowing he would realize she was protective over the Uchiha sleeping in her home. Instead she clenched her teeth at the grinning man and felt a pain in her chest.

She's never felt protectiveness over anyone before, it was an almost terrifying experience. It created the bravery needed to face the sannin with agitation but made her fearful enough to not give away her true feelings. She dreaded the idea of pinning the two against each other.

"Am I not able to visit my little Koko?" He had flash stepped so that he was right before her and crooned his words in a tone that made Aiko's stomach fill with lead. He reached a hand out as if to hold her right cheek and she took a step back to avoid the contact with narrowed eyes. He chuckled in sick amusement of Aiko's fear and much to her annoyance, her defensive approach only provoked his personality even more.

"What is wrong little Koko? Is it your Uchiha guard dog resting in your home?" He was smug and it was obvious he has been watching her. She flinched and glared at Orochimaru, her heart beating out of her chest.

"Leave him out of this Rochi." She seethed in annoyance with crossed arms, staring up into golden eyes with angry ambers. The rain soaked her and chilled her to the bone, only increasing her irritation with Orochimaru.

"Oh dearest little Koko, why would I harm a hair on his little head?" She locked her jaw while staring flatly at the man. He laughed at her expression which was of pure annoyance.

Kairos |An Itachi Uchiha Story|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat