xii.and slowly

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"And I got all of the targets in the middle! My teacher said I got an above average score!" Mikoto ruffled Sasuke's dark hair with a warm smile.

"I'm very proud of you." Sasuke's eyes lit up.

"Really? Do you think dad will be too?" Aiko saw the smile on Mikoto's face strain. Of course she would be able to tell a fake smile apart from a real one on anyone's face.

"I told you Sasuke, you are all he talks about when we're alone." She gave a closed eyed smile and Aiko felt her cheeks heat slightly before she sighed and swirled her tea a bit.

She wished she had someone who would lie blindly to protect her...

But maybe a lie wasn't what she needed...

Itachi watched the swift envy pass through the bright ambers and sadness caused her small smile to fall. He watched her shoulders slump and her play with her tea.

Maybe she doesn't experience these things as often as you're able to...

Maybe she wishes she had a family like you.

Itachi stiffened when he heard the front door open and when he turned, his father stood in the doorway. He sighed, disappointed because he thought that maybe Aiko would miss meeting his father. But obviously he was wrong.

"Itachi, who is this?" Fugaku asked his son since the girl looked his age but it registered soon exactly who she was.

The Amegakure girl.

Aiko glanced up and felt the emotion that flew through the onyx eyed man.


He knows who I am.

Her ambers narrowed but she was silent as Mikoto rushed to introduce her with a smile.

"Fugaku, this is Aiko, Itachi's-"


His tone a monotone as he stared sternly at the unwavering amber eyed girl who though appeared expressionless, her hand shook around her tea and her heart was racing.

"What is she doing here? I thought Itachi was off duty by the evenings." Mikoto gave a warm smile, trying to tug down her husband's uptightness.

"Yes, but I invited her as Itachi's friend."

"Itachi has no friends outside of this clan." Aiko wasn't hurt. In fact, she was well aware Itachi didn't even like her. She was simply a mission he had to deal with for another two weeks. Hearing the words aloud made her want to recoil a bit but she didn't react to it physically. Instead, she stood with a polite smile.

"Thank you Mrs. Uchiha for inviting me for dinner but I think it's about time for me to go home." Aiko said in a forced light tone that didn't pain her at all to put on.

"Oh, please Aiko, you can stay a bit longer." Aiko's smile strained.

Obviously not, your husband looks like he wants to set me on fire in front of your whole clan for lacking orthodoxy and I would die shaking in flames because while you are pleasant, your husband is a proper Uchiha who makes my insides want to evacuate.

"I apologize but I do have work tomorrow morning, thank you for inviting me and I do hope you enjoy your flowers." Aiko bowed her head slightly and Mikoto smiled at the girl.

"I will, thank you. Itachi, walk Aiko home." Fugaku's eyes closed in irritation though his expression was still blank.

"He will not, he is not on duty currently and so it is not his responsibility." Aiko felt her heart drop at the thought of walking around the Uchiha compound alone.

Kairos |An Itachi Uchiha Story|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant