iv.as far

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"Sasuke doesn't like sweets, right?" Aiko asked, undoing her dark hair from the single braid it fell in. Itachi nodded as he ate bits of his last pancake. "Yet, he ate my pancake... He's so sweet." Aiko smiled as she sipped from her cup, her pale fingers wrapped around it loosely. She sighed as she rested elbows against the table and held her face in her hands. She looked at the Uchiha and felt a shiver try to go through her body. She could feel it.

She knew she could.

But she wants to see it... Just the shadow at least.

She took a breath and closed her eyes


She felt the air shift as she gazed up behind her eyelids at the Uchiha's presence. It was a dark and cloudy purple that made her breath hitch. She could feel the wisps of agony that surrounded it and a soft glowing bright grey outlined and covered it in a sheer and almost transparent blanket. Her heart pounded and the urge to give in and feel his agony came back. She wanted to at least see his true presence and not a glancing presence.

She opened her eyes, a sad smile on her face. She wished it all didn't exist. That agony was not real and fighting was unnecessary. She just wanted everyone to be happy and satisfied. She wished people like Itachi didn't exist to only be hurt and wear masks. She wished she didn't exist.

She scolded herself for her bratty thoughts. She was going to die soon, she knew that. So why would she continue to complain about a life she won't be apart of for so long?

She smiled gently before looking at the Uchiha who was staring at her blankly.

"What's wrong, weasel butt?" She asked in a light tone and his eyes remained impassive and even.

"What do you see in my brother? His future and such." He asked, and she was somewhat surprised. Usually someone would ask of themselves before a loved one. She rubbed her temple and closed her eyes. She could see Sasuke's presence clear as day in her mind and his pain was more future than present. For now it was only envy.

"He is a happy boy, he will be happy but... Betrayal..." She muttered with a pause. She tried to remember what the colors and symbols within the presence meant and what she felt from them. "Someone he loves.... And loss, lost. He loses everyone and loses himself, I think he will be cursed. But he will be found at his moment of silence and complete loss. He will be saved from his own darkness. I see hope and prosperity in his future, weasel butt, I can feel it in his presence that it will come." Aiko smiled.

She looked at Itachi and smiled at his softened and relieved face.

"You love him so much and so there is a reason you had to betray him. He will understand that, weasel butt." She grinned. "Want me to read you?" She questioned and smiled at his apprehension.

"I'm not going to touch you weasel butt, sadly, I don't think I'll survive feeling your emotions." She laughed it off. "Just know your mask doesn't hide much from me, I'm just kinda scared to look into your mind." She answered truthfully with a grin that made Itachi eye her both flatly and relieved.

He didn't want her to witness his future.

"I'll take that as a yes! Okay, don't mask yourself, I need both your mind and chakra channels open so that when I invade them, I won't get pushed out." Because I refuse to touch you.

She left out the last bit with a weak smile. She closed her eyes and lost her smile as she thought about what she was gonna witness.

"Aita.." She whispered firmly and watched in shock as the world began to fade from her. Instead it was darkness with a purple figure stood on it's knees with chains restraining it and dark feathers falling around him. A light grey outlined him and a white circle floated about his head even though dark wings came from his back.

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