I pretend to be hurt, stifling a giggle from the blush brush repeatedly stroking my cheek as she applies it on my face.

"I've been utterly mistaken upon." Jacob walks in, but seconds after he steps foot in my room, Christina leaves my side, rushing Jacob out of the room. She nags Nathan's ear and pulls him out, too.

"You get out of here, you two. It's that or no Nadia for you tonight." I hear her dealing with them behind the closed bedroom door.

I giggle as Emma holds up a peice of my hair, pulling it down to twist it around the curling iron. I feel the heat through the nerves in my hair, but it's a blissful heat. Warm, like a fire heating a room during the winter time, or like sipping hot chocolate. Bliss.

"She knows how to deal with boys way better than I do." Emma admits, taking another piece from the wad of hair on the side of my head, stuffed in a bun-something by a simple white scrunchie.

"How come? Don't you have any brothers?" I ask her, playing with my thumbs. Half from boredom and half because making conversation isn't my best quality. I get nervous, even around Mom and Dad sometimes.

"No." She shook her head, releasing the hot curling iron from my hair. "I don't want any, either. I don't want any siblings, though. Practically begged my parents. My mom especially. She was really considering having another baby. She definitely wanted a boy."

"Why? Nathan isn't that bad."

"You see, he's naturally cool. Besides, I don't think I can handle it. Maybe he'd become my own child, teaching him stuff that Mom won't. sharing secrets-"

"Woah." I laugh. "Don't share secrets with brothers. I can tell you that from experience." I giggle.

"Thanks for the heads up! I'll consider a little brother now since you've brought it up." I can sense her smile as she grabs a nother lump of my hair.

"Yeah." She mumbles, almost to herself. "That would be nice.."
. . .

I'm unrecognizable, but recognizable.

My makeup is natural, lipstick redder than an apple. My dress, a red lace gown, shows the sides of my torso. My hair is warm against my neck, sitting at one side of my head gracefully across my right shoudler. I smile, my teeth seeming to illuminate brightness.

My dress hangs across the floor a little, the lace flower patterns "showing my figure" according to Nathan. He stares at me with adoring, googly eyes and I do the same in return at his black tuxedo. This is first time I've seen him all dressed up and nice since last year's prom when he went with a girl last year.

Straight Nate.

"Ready to tackle.."

I stare down at my covered feet, wiggling my toes in the six inch heels hidden under my dress. "The steps?" I finish, remembering what happened the last time I had to walk down stairs in heels. I almost died, to sum it up.

He nods, taking my hand. I'm supposed to surprise not only Jacob with my look, but Mom and Dad, too. So I walk with Nathan, instead.

"I'm ready." I take a deep breath, clutching Nathan's hand with my purse-free hand. Step by step, I walk (well, wobble, actually) down each step. The click of my heels echoes off the rails and the walls and any surrounding areas.

"You got this." Nathan mumbles, holding my hand. I smile when I see a special Afro, immediately recognizing him. I grow nervous and take a deep breath, hesitating for a quick second.

"He's right there." I state shakily.

"I know."

The last three steps.

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