Harry turns around to see Ethan and a girl he doesn't know the name of. "Sorry who are you?" he asks. The girl glares at him. "Sorry I honestly don't know," he says.

"You should because you seemed so interested in the interviews," she says smirking.

"I'm not really paying attention to any of them thanks," Harry replies before quickly turning around.

"But you seemed so interested in Louis' interview. Basically drooling over him when he said he didn't like women." Ethan comments. Harry turns around to face Ethan.

"I don't think you understand what you're talking about," Harry says calmly.

"Oh I think I do," Ethan says spitting on Harry's shoes, "try not to screw up too much."

Ethan and the girl he still doesn't know the name of, walk out of the room laughing. Harry hears the crowd cheer so he quickly composes himself and gets ready to walk on.

Right before he's about to walk on Louis grabs him by the shoulder, turning him around. Louis gives him a quick smile before Harry snaps.

"What?" Harry asks forcefully.

Louis swallows feeling smaller than usual. "Don't listen to them, you'll do great." Then he gives one last quick smile before walking, unusually fast, away. Harry admires how small and cute Louis is as he walks away.

Forget that you're on soon. Harry thinks.

Harry is nervous. Really nervous. The careers teasing him doesn't really help either.

Don't listen to them you'll do great.

For some reason that makes Harry feel a little bit better with the whole situation. He doesn't really understand why though.

"Now you know Mr. Styles, and you love Mr. Styles, please put your hands together for MR. HARRY STYLES."

Harry slowly and carefully walks onto stage. To say the lights are blinding would be a huge understatement. The crowd's loud, but not as loud as when Gemma walked out.

Harry smiles nervously at the crowd and some women in the front row screams and blow kisses. Caesar laughs and takes a seat, Harry follows his lead.

"So Harry how are you?" Caesar asks politely.

"Doing as well as I can, yourself?" Harry replies smiling.

"Great now! I mean look at that one thousand dollar smile! Right ladies?" Some women in the crowd screams loudly. Harry turns bright red at the reaction. Thousand dollar smile?

What Harry doesn't know is that backstage Louis is smiling at the TV. Louis doesn''t really know what's so fascinating about Harry, but he never failed to make him smile. Louis finds himself thinking that Caesar is right, he does have an a thousand dollar smile.

"This seems like a popular question tonight but, is there a lady back home?" Caesar asks once the crowd quiets down, "one that you love dearly?"

"Yes actually," Harry answers with a smirk on his face.

Caesar leans back in his chair smiling, "and is there anything you'd like to say to her?"

Harry looks straight into the camera.

"I love you so much, and you will always have a special place in my heart. You picked me up when I was down. You loved me when no one else would. You fed me when everyone else was too greedy. I love you for that, and I will love you till the moment I die."

Caesar smiles, "and may we know this ladies name?"

Harry smiles back, "most people call her Anne, but I call her mom." Some people in the crowd laugh while others let out some sort of un-human sound.

"Sorry to disappoint folks," Harry jokes. The crowd roars with laughter.

"Oh you got us there you did!" Caesar says happily. "But let's get into game mode yeah?"


"You and the lovely Gemma are related, how?" Caesar asks, moving forward in his chair.

"She's my sister," Harry replies. Gasps from the crowd fill his ears. They all know Harry and Gemma are related, but they never thought they were siblings.

Cousins yes, siblings no.

"What made you want to volunteer?" Caesar asks Harry.

"I knew as soon as I heard her name I knew that I was going to volunteer. Family sticks together till the very end. I wanted to do everything in my power to protect her."

"Well everyone hopes you and Gemma all of the best, don't we folks?" Caesar asks causing the booms of voices to erupt from the audience.


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