
She heard something and looked up from her trance.


“I said are you alright?” Harry tilted his head sympathetically.

“Oh, yes, of course, just still in a bit of shock I think.” She smiled and gave a little shrug.

“I’m not surprised; we should have taken you to Madame Pomfrey.” Ron said.

“Why is that?” She raised her eyebrows.

“Well, you had your lips on Malfoy, you could have caught all sorts of things from him.”

“He does spend a lot of time with Pansy Parkinson.” Ginny said.

“Now I definitely think we should take you to the hospital wing.” Ron had a look of horror mixed with disgust on his face and Hermione stifled a giggle.

“I am perfectly alright, it just happened in a flash is all.” She rested her chin on her hands.

“You know, I heard from Charlie that they’re starting up the Quiddich World Cup again next year.” Ron took a long sip from his butterbeer.

“Really? When did he tell you that Ronald?” Ginny asked.

“At Christmas.” He shrugged.

“So why did he tell you and not the rest of us?” She looked over at him accusingly.

“Well because he told me not to tell anyone.”

“Well he obviously chose the right man for the job.” Harry grinned and Ron gave him a shove.

Hermione and Ginny just laughed.


That evening, when they had returned from Hogsmeade, Hermione left the common room to head for the very top of the castle; the hospital wing.

The sun was just about to leave the horizon as she walked through the big doors. There was a girl sleeping in the bed closest to the door, her face was red and blotchy. She saw a dark-haired boy sitting up and talking to a friend down the other end of the hospice, and in the middle of the left hand side row of beds she saw Draco lying asleep with Luna sitting by his side, the Quibbler in hand.

Hermione walked over to them and Luna looked up.

“Have you been here all this time?” Hermione sat on the edge of the bed and looked down at him, he looked so peaceful.

Hermione and Draco, a Forbidden Fantasy (Dramione) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now