Christmas Morning

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Hermione woke on Christmas day, blinking from the rays of sunlight peeking through the cracks in the curtains. She felt Draco’s body pressed against hers with his arms draped over her and she smiled. She carefully rolled over so that she was facing him and looked up at his face. He looked so peaceful, his face so serene that she couldn’t help but smile. She leant over and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. He began to stir and his brow furrowed before his eyes crinkled and he opened them. He looked groggy and Hermione put her hand on his side. For a moment he looked slightly confused but when he came to he pulled her into him and kissed her deeply.

Hermione let out a small groan and lifted her hands so that they were entwined in his messy blonde hair. He shifted his body so that he was lying on his side and holding her into his rock hard body. She felt a shiver run through her body as she felt him beside her. She realised how inexperienced she was compared to him. How many girls has he done this with before?

She tries to concentrate on her thoughts but she succumbs to her impulses and allows herself to melt into him. His kisses become softer until he is looking down at her, the tip of his nose gently grazing hers.

“Sorry, I… I thought it might have all been a dream.” Hermione watched a smile flicker onto his lips and she couldn’t help but return it.

“Merry Christmas Draco.” She pulled him in for a long purposeful kiss and he didn't argue.

“Merry Christmas,” he managed to choke out when their embrace broke.

She became suddenly aware that she was hardly clothed and she felt her cheeks flush. She tried to subtly tuck the sheets between the two of them and he smirked.

“Embarrassed are you?” He said with a hint of his usual arrogance.

“What? Why would you say that?” She protested.

He smirked again and reached down to pull the sheets away and she knew that her face was giving her away. She looked away from his eyes and felt his body shake as he chuckled.

“Fine, I won’t look, but just so you know, it’ll be tempting as hell.” He rolled over and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

Hermione couldn’t help watching him, his body was so exposed. Her eyes traced the lines of the muscles in his back and couldn’t help noticing the way the paleness of his skin made the red on his boxers stand out.

She heard him laugh and looked up to see the side of his face as he looked over his shoulder. “By all means, you can look as long as you want.” More arrogant chuckling and again she felt the heat in her cheeks.

“I… I mean I wasn’t…”

“Yes you were, don’t worry, I find it quite flattering really. Is there, anything else you want to see?” He smiled cheekily and stood up in front of her.

He put his hands out to his sides and kept up his smile and she laughed without looking up.

Hermione and Draco, a Forbidden Fantasy (Dramione) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now