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*chapter twenty one*

Olympus was beautiful.

We were standing a bit away from the center of things, behind huge, silver gates. There was no one guarding them, and I could peek through and see the landscape.

It looked like a little village sitting on top of a mountain. Buildings worked up the sides of the mountain, progressively getting bigger as they reached the top. And on the very top sat a huge castle, so tall it almost seemed to be built on clouds.

It was made out of tan stone, kind of like the ancient ruins in Greece and Rome. Even from down here, I could feel an energy emitting from it, one that I couldn't quite describe.

"Let's go," Cho said, as determined as ever.

"Wait, do we just walk in?" I asked, "There's no guards."

"Yeah," Minsun said, in agreement, "In hell there were those soul things."

"Don't talk if you don't know the proper terms," Cho said, also just as grouchy and mean as ever.

"So, do we just walk in?" I asked, impatiently.

"Yes," he said, "Olympus has its own guard system. Anyone that is an enemy or could be an enemy can not enter."

He grabbed one of the bars of the gate, and grunted, trying to open it. He pushed hard for about a minute, but it didn't budge.

"Jeongin, a little help?" he asked, panting.

"I think it's a pull door," I said, grabbing a bar and easily pulling it open.

The tips of Cho's ears turned red, as he stared at it awestruck.

"I knew that, of course," he snapped, "I was just testing you. Good improvisation skills."

He walked through the gate, and looked at me and Minsun expectedly.

"Whatever," I sighed, and followed him in through the gate.

I turned as Minsun stepped over the threshold, but as soon as her foot touched the ground on the other side, the dirt melted into this silver liquid, her footprint sending ripples through it.

Me and Cho ran to the edge to avoid it, and watched Minsun with fearful eyes.

The liquid wrapped itself around Minsun, in a sphere, and then carried her up and out of Olympus, dropping her on the other side.

Heaven Sent | Yang Jeongin Where stories live. Discover now