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*chapter five*

Today was the day.

The day that I would officially become a guardian angel and start working as one. Or maybe I would start tomorrow. I wasn't really sure.

Anyway, to say I was excited was an extreme understatement.

I woke up in such a good mood, I even said hello to Baek and gave him some extra food. But then he got too touchy and rubbed against my leg, so I groaned and pushed him away.

He hissed and hid in his little corner that I liked to call rejection cranny.

I wore a black suit and some dress shoes that I had today. I wanted to look presentable, after all, a guardian angel faction would have to pick me.

The way the organizing of angels worked was that everybody was split into little groups, and all worked together to achieve different objectives. These groups were called factions.

God oversaw mostly everything, but each faction had a leader, that would specifically look after their group.

The roles went from information angels, to the protection and fighter angels, the guardian angels, and more.

Two of my friends that had already graduated were already in a faction together, and I was kind of hoping to get into that one. I knew they only had one other guardian angel, so hopefully it wouldn't be a problem.

I took a deep breath and then headed out of my house, with Baek right behind me.

"You don't need to follow me around anymore," I said, annoyed, "I've graduated."

Baek just purred and kept trudging behind me.

In all honesty, I didn't hate Baek as much as it seemed. He was just a painful reminder.

The event was taking place at a building that was quite close to God's palace. My house wasn't too far away from it, but it was still a long way away.

I let my thoughts wander as I walked. It was still early so barely anyone had woken up yet, except for the other angels who gave me polite smiles when they passed.

"It's always nice to smile at someone," she said to me, "You never know what type of day they're having. That's what my Dad tells me."

Heaven Sent | Yang Jeongin Where stories live. Discover now