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*chapter four*

Me and Gabriel walked through the streets of heaven, teasing each other the entire way.

How did I become close to the archangels?

Well, Uriel had been the first heavenly being I'd ever meant. Besides the demon nurses of purgatory that were from hell.

Raphael had been the one to lead me to God for my first evaluation. After that, he'd taken me to his own house, since I was way too little to live on my own. I lived with him until I was fifteen, which was when I realized everyone else in my school was taking advantage of my closeness with them. So I moved out.

But while I lived with the four archangels, they became almost like family. I never saw them as God's closest and highest ranked angels, I saw them as the new family I received after leaving the mortal world. They helped me so much, and I was in debt to them for my entire immortal life.

"Hey kid," Gabriel said, rapping his knuckles on my head gently, "What are you thinking about?"

"Oh nothing," I said, snapping out of it.

"Don't get stressed," he said, smiling, "being an angel isn't all that bad. Besides we're at Raphael's house and he will be able to sense it if your sad. Then he'll make you sit on his rug and he'll manipulate your body into being happy, that freak."

I laughed. Raphael and Gabriel have the weirdest relationship.

I walked up to the door and before I even knocked, Uriel opened it.

While Raphael was the healer and Gabriel was the messenger, Uriel was kind of like God's personal spy or bodyguard. Or in more official terms, the watcher over the world and the loneliest corner of hell.

He could be anywhere without you knowing and I knew he had been watching my graduation the entire time while avoiding high school fangirls.

"Hey Uriel," I said, waving and beaming brightly.

"Nice wings," he said, his deep voice booming, "You get your diploma?"

"Diploma?" I asked, remembering the blank sheet of paper, "Oh yeah, it's got so many words on it. Really like almost off the paper haha...ha."

Uriel raised his brows over his sunglasses. He was still wearing them even though he was inside.

"That's what a diploma is," he said.

Heaven Sent | Yang Jeongin Where stories live. Discover now