"Does she ever call? Visit?"

"She calls but never visits. Sends us post cards. It isn't the first time she left you know. She left when I was five. It was only my brother and I then. My father closed down his pizzeria and went to follow her back to Italy. Seven years later, and five kids after she decided she didn't want to be a mum anymore. She always had a wild hair and wanted to be free so my dad sent her free."he tells me.

He is looking at the tv but I know his mind is somewhere else. Blank.

"She threatened to leave so many time and I always use to hear my dad beg her to stay. The last time she threatened my dad didn't so she left. And we came back"he says so quietly I almost didn't hear him.

"He was so broken. Still is. I can see it in his eyes. That's why I don't want to find my mate. I never want to give someone that much power to hurt me"he continues.

The room goes eerily silent. I didn't know what to say after he shared so much with me. I wasn't expecting it. I don't think he did to. I watch his face. When you look at him, you wouldn't see any emotion but if you are me and you had the past I did, you would be able to see a lot. And Enzo is hurting.

"Anyways enough about me."he jumps in his seat and claps his hands startling me.

"To answer your question, I didn't tell them because it wasn't my business to tell. You were just taken. I wanted you to have something to yourself. I didn't want you to feel exposed. It was overwhelming for all of us that day. I thought that when you are ready, you would share yourself"

I swallow the lump in my throat and nod at him. He sends me a smile but like all the others, this one didn't reach his eyes.

"Lex.. I know he comes across a jerk but he's a loyal and stubborn guy. Doesn't talk much but the little he says is a lot. His story is private and his past made his have trust issues.

"That's not my problem."I snap.

I didn't do anything to do him. He hasn't been nice since I came. It's like I'm the one who kidnapped him rather than the other way round"

"I know. And I'm not making excuses for him. When Kane Milton loves, he loves hard and he won't stop protecting those he loves. I know he's being a jerk but he's just trying to have his friends back. I won't tell him about your past. Any of them until I feel like I have to."he promises.

"Thanks Enzo."

We go silent again until he blurts "I hacked into your life. I know everything about you. When you started your period. "

I blink. Again and again.

"I'm really good with computers"he says.

"How did you

"I don't know. I just could. I was always good with numbers. Like really good. I was supposed to go to a special school but my dad wanted me to grow up with a 'normal' child and not be analysed"

"I wonder how you were in high school" I say.

"I was a nerd and introvert"he says matter of fact.

"But you so-"

"Hot, sexy, pretty ..? Nerds can be all of that. Unfortunately I wasn't one of them. I had braces, worn ugly glasses, and clothes that were past down from my older brother. You know the stereotypical description of how a nerd is suppose to look. It wasn't until 16 when I started getting attention. Lost my virgin then too with a girl named savannah"

"That's good uh."

"You never forget your first. It was bad. Not for me. For me it was amazing. For her it was terrible. Don't think she even got wet."


"To much info?"

Way to much.

"Sorry my brain works overtime, sometimes I overshare things. Anyways I got better. My second wasn't as bad. I got off. She didn't. Third one helped me understand what I was doing wrong. Taught me couple of things which made my fourth one amazing. We both got off. Started dating her. Didn't work out clearly but it wasn't messy. Dated her big sister couple months after."

"Dick move"

"I know but to be fair I didn't know."he defends himself.

"I'm guessing things got messy."

"She dumbed me. I respected that."he shrugs.

"So when did you start dating multiple of people."

"When my dick when viral."he says this like it didn't matter. Like it wasn't a big deal.

"Excuse me?"

"Sorry to disappoint, I made sure to delete it from the cloud. No one has the pic. It just doesn't exist anymore."

"You dick pic was that great girls wanted to start dating you without caring if there was another girl"

"Something like that."he gives me one of his cheeky grins.

"And girls are okay with you dating others"

"Didn't we discuss this yesterday? Girls come to me. Some want to mate with me. Want me to claim them. They know my rules. They think he can change my mind. Some just want status. They know what I am to Cameron. Others want to use me so they can be better for this partners"

"So you're a slut? A whore?"

"Making myself sound like that uh"

"I don't date all the girls I'm seen with. People just assume. Some of them are actually just friends"

"Uh huh"

"No I'm serious. And I don't sleep with every girl I date. I'm not a dog. Some girls have low self esteem. They come to me and I make it my job to help them understand that they are desired. I make them feel sexy in their own skin and at the end, I make sure they know that they don't need a man to make them feel all of that. Most of my break up are messy. They all know their temporary."

"Do they ever get attached?"

"Yeah sometimes. I try not to spend too much time with them so we can avoid that. Sometimes people can't help it."

"It's because you're so pretty"I tease.

"It's because I'm a nice guy and I say this how it is."he tells me.

"How is your mate going to feel about all your bed mates."

"I told you I'm not going to have a mate. Don't want one. And again I don't sleep with all my girls. You don't have to sleep with them to make them feel good."

"We have fun. I show them how a guy is supposed to treat them the best of my ability without them getting attached so they never doubt it."

"Thank you for sharing so much. I know I can be nosy"

"It's okay Cara. I hope someday your feel comfortable enough to share some of your life with me"

I bite lips and before I know it...I share a bit of my past with him.


Another update!

Sorry for the missed errors!

As some of you guys may know I'm writing this book and Lily's at the same time. So far I have five complete chapters for her book! I can't wait for you guys to read her book! You will get some questions answered haha!

I intend to upload it soon but it would probably have to be in like a week or so. I don't know. I will keep you guys updated.

Also I'm planning for how Vinnie ( Enzo mystery brother) is going to be. The idea I have of his personality... I'm already in love. I just don't know how I would be able to pull it off!

Anyways stay tuned


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