She braced herself for the laughter and the teasing but didn't receive any. Rhian hesitantly look back at Glaiza and saw her smiling slightly.

"Its alright, you have nothing to be embarrased about. We'll just have the basics. You know, holding hands and hugging. Nothing over-the-top. I won't pressure you into doing something you're not comfortable with." Glaiza spoke softly, earning Rhian a small grateful smile.

Her smile faltered a little when she remember something. "But we do that all the time at school. I mean occasionally, when we meet. What difference does it make?"

"Well, maybe this time, lets do it in a more loving way. You know, to make it more convincing." Glaiza replied.

Rhian nodded.

I'll try, I guess.

"What about if Jason asks about our story? You know, how we realize that we like each other as more than... frenemy?" Rhian asked.

Glaiza hummed. "Lets just say that... it started when you saw me singing at the orphanage and that's when... your heart skip a beat."

Rhian scoffed. "Why should I be the one that started developing feelings? If I have you know, I'm not that easy."

"All the more reason why it should be you. Like you said, you don't easily fall and yet when you saw me at the orphanage, it changed." Glaiza said.

"But I don't go to orphanages. Hell, I didn't even heard you sing! How am I suppose to say that convincingly?" Rhian said

"By visualizing it, of course. But instead of me, try something else."

"Like what?"

"Well, like something you care about deeply."

Alright, that seems reasonable enough.

"Hey, its gonna be fine. Don't stress too much about this. Just... go with the flow." Glaiza said when she noticed Rhian's uncertainty.

Evening come when the rest of the group came back from exploring the town. Based from the smiling faces, Rhian was glad that they enjoyed themselves. Chloe also came back with her father to drop her off.

After freshening up, Rhian called out to them and said that dinner is set. They all settled on the wide dining room where the mouth-watering food is served.

Coming downstairs, Glaiza apologizes for arriving late, saying she had to tuck Chloe in for her sleep who had been tired from her quality time with their father.

The group went on and on about the things they've seen and the things they want to try. It still surprises them that some of it was built and owned by Rhian's family. The guys even joked about having to use the bowling and the billiard area for free since they were with the rich girl herself.

After some time, the topic went to Rhian and Glaiza's fake relationship. Even after Glaiza's protests on stopping her friend Brian in further asking questions about why the rich girl came up with the whole fake relationship thing, Rhian reassured the short-haired girl that it was fine and retold the story as to why it happened all suddenly. She knows that Glaiza's friends could be trusted.

That is why when Glaiza requested that if they were ever questioned or interrogated by either Jason's or Rhian's folks, or even the people who are related to them, she hoped that the group help them, so they wouldn't be caught whatsoever. The group in turn, promise that they would help them in the best way they can.

At the mention of this, it put Rhian's mind to ease. Knowing that Glaiza and the group would be there to help, if ever she get nervous or stuck on answering questions or acting strange. She just hope that it would work, now that Jason is here for the summer.

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