Chapter 21 - The Hounds of Baskerville

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I promise I'll acknowledge you all who have continued to read, vote, and support me through my absence, but I just want to give you guys a special treat! To make this chapter a little extra special to all of my spicy readers out there, I have news!! Not only have I been working on plenty of chapters for you all to make up for my extremely extended absence (thank you again to all of those who have continues to support me and continue to read my book again and again (and again), I'm talking about you @TheAuthorWritesBooks  ;) I have now created a separate little short book with extended spicy scenes for all of you smut lovers (don't be ashamed, I'm with you 100%) It's called Kat Got Your Smut and it will have *detailed* smut scenes which go deeper into the sex life of Kat and Sherlock. 

If you want to request cute little scenes or extra fluff anywhere, or just random one-shots between KatLock and maybe some other characters if you're interested, that's the place to do it because I can insert a sexy scene anywhere for you little nasties ;P and I will do it with joy! So please, read this chapter and then go and check out that naughty book (18+ or I don't want to hear how old you are, I will not be responsible for your lack of parental guidance with this story, viewer discursion advised, I may even make it one of those books that you have to follow me to read so we don't just get any ole' riff raff up in here, because it will be detailed, but hopefully in a tasteful way...

Anyways enjoy the chapter and please if you want more spice, check out Kat Got Your Fluff which is live on my account NOW!


John and Katherine sit in a comfortable silence as the good doctor reads his newspaper and Kat reads her books like they do every morning. Sherlock usually sits with Kat, commenting and complaining about every discrepancy and issue with the book, but this morning he was gone before she even woke up. Since she had no idea when Sherlock would return, she decided to take advantage of his absence and read one of her more racy romance novels that she knows Sherlock would disapprove of.

Occasionally John would comment something about the news and they'd spart a small conversation, but for the most part they sat in comfortable silence; until Sherlock came home.

The door slams open startling Kat and John that both of their heads whipped towards the door to see a bloody Sherlock standing with a large harpoon in his hand. 

"Well, that was tedious!" He grumbles frustrated, but when he sees the concerned look on Kat's face, he speaks again. "Don't worry, none of the blood is mine."

Kat sighs in reassurance and slight exasperation. "Don't tell me you went on the Tube like that?"

"None of the cabs would take me." He shrugs nonchalantly.

Kat pace palms and groans slightly. "Damn it, Greg's gonna be calling me later, I just know it." Sherlock suppresses a mischievous smile at her words. "Now clean up, you smell like pig's blood, which you will be explaining the meaning of later."

"Only after you tell me why you can identify the smell of pigs blood."

Kat smirks at him, raising her eyebrows. "Deal."

And with that, Sherlock is off to shower. 

"Well he'd gonna be a while, so I'm gonna pop off to the store for milk." John stands up as he hears the shower turn on. He started folding his paper and heading to the door for his coat.

"Have fun!" Kat says as she goes back to reading her book, but as soon as the door closes behind the doctor, she tosses her book to the side and heads to the bathroom where Sherlock is.

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