Chapter 1 - A Scandal in Belgravia

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A/N - OMG guys this is chapter one of my second book!!! I would never be here without you guys and I can't thank you enough for all of your love and support. I decided to give you guys something extra special to kick of the release of my new book. Not only will you get 4 chapters in this new book, I threw a little extra Katlock in this chapter for all of you guys. I promise that you will get so much Katlock to make up for me waiting so long to give it to you in the first book that you might get sick of it (although I hope you don't). Anyways, without further introduction I present to you... Curiosity Killed the Kat!

~~~Previously in the Katlock Series~~~

"Jim Moriarty." The man introduces himself. "Hi... Come on out, pet." Moriarty demands as he tugs on a chain and someone attached to that chain walks around the corner: Kat.

"Don't touch her!" Sherlock snaps and points his gun at Moriarty.

"Don't be silly." Moriarty taunts him. "I don't like getting my hands dirty. I've given you a glimpse, Sherlock, just a teensy glimpse of what I've got going on out there in the big bad world... Now you're in my way."

"I will stop you..."

"No, you won't... I'll burn you. I'll burn the heart out of you." Moriarty taunts putting emphasis on the word 'heart.'

"I have been reliably informed that I don't have one." Sherlock snaps back but Moriarty shakes his head.

"But we both know that's not quite true." He tells Sherlock and tugs on Kat's chain a little, causing her to step forward a little before he drops the chain entirely. "Well, I'd better be off. Well, so nice to have had a proper chat."

"Catch you later." Sherlock replies slowly still not lowering the gun.

"No, you won't!" Moriarty call back in a sing-song voice and Sherlock, Kat, and John hear the door close behind him.

"All right? Are you all right?" Sherlock asks Kat as he pulls away and quickly tries to take the collar off.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Kat tells him.

The three roommates were enjoying a small moment together when they look down and see multiple red dots appear on their chests and they hear a door open. "Oh, Sorry, boys... and girl. I'm so changeable!" Moriarty tell them with a devilish smirk as he walks back into the room all high and mighty. "It is a weakness with me, but to be fair to myself, it is my only weakness. You can't be allowed to continue. You just can't. I would try to convince you, but everything I have to say has already crossed your mind."

Sherlock, Kat, and John all share a look and Sherlock knows what he needs to do. The detective takes his gun and hold it out so it is pointing at Moriarty before he slowly lowers it, leaving it pointed at the bomb vest on the floor. "And probably my answer has already crossed yours."


Sherlock and Moriarty stand face to face, staring each other down when suddenly Stayin' Alive starts playing from a phone that seems to be coming from Moriarty. Sherlock, Kat, and John look around confused at this weird turn of events. The eccentric man rolls his eyes before closing them in annoyance.

Moriarty looks at the detectives apologetically. "Do you mind if I get that?"

Sherlock feigns an understanding look on his face. "No, please. You've got the rest of your life."

Kat chokes back a laugh and Moriarty growls at her before he pulls his phone out of his pocket and answers it.

"Hello? Yes, of course it is. What do you want?" Moriarty looks to Sherlock and mouths the word 'sorry' before he begins to pace around slowly and John, Sherlock, and Kat share another confused look. Suddenly, Moriarty stops and an angry look crosses his face. "SAY THAT AGAIN!" He yells and Kat flinches at his sudden change in tone. "Say that again, and know that if you're lying to me, I will find you, and I will ssssskin you." He listens for another moment and then speaks again. "Wait." He says to the person on the phone and then lowers his hand. Moriarty looks as if someone just ripped his nice suit. "Sorry, wrong day to die."

"Did you get a better offer?" Kat snaps at him sarcastically and he turns to her with an evil grin.

"You have no idea." He snaps and then takes a deep breath to compose himself. "You'll be hearing from me, Sherlock." With that he puts his phone back to his ear and begins to walk away. "So if you have what you say you have, I will make you rich. If you don't, I'll make you into shoes." Sherlock continues to keep his gun trained on Moriarty until he hears him snap his fingers and the red dots disappear followed by the sound of the door closing behind him.

"What the hell happened there?" John asks confused.

Sherlock scrunches his eyes slightly in concentration. "Someone changed his mind. The question is who?"

Kat wasn't paying attention, however, because she was too focused on the look that Moriarty gave her. What better offer did he get and why does Kat have a feeling that it has something to do with her...


Back at 221B, John had already gone to sleep and Sherlock and Kat were still awake, sitting in silence on the couch.

"I know I asked before, but are you sure you're alright?" Sherlock asks lightly as he turns to her and grabs her hand, squeezing it lightly.

"They grabbed me from your bed." Kat tells him without looking up from her hands, her voice shaking. "They came in through the window and drugged me with chloroform. I didn't even have a chance to yell for help. I-"

"Hey, Katherine, look at me." The curly haired man says as he lightly turns her jaw so she is looking at him. "It's going to be okay. I know it's not over because he is still out there, but I promise I will do everything I can to make sure that he never hurts you again."

"Thank you," Kat breathes out and she can feel her heart rate slowing down. "I still can't shake the feeling that something wicked this way comes." She jokes lightly. "I don't think I want to know who was on the other side of Moriarty's phone call."

Sherlock chuckles at Kat's attempt to lighten the dark mood that had fell over the room. "Me neither. But I have a sense that, whoever it is, it's someone who will be one of our greatest challenges." Suddenly, a thought pops into Sherlock's head and he decides to take a chance and step slightly out of his comfort zone. "However," He starts. "That's not something we have to worry about right now when there are other... things we could be doing."

"Oh?" Kat questions raising her eyebrows as Sherlock takes his hand and trails it slowly up her thigh. Now Kat's heart is speeding up for a different reason. "Hmm, I think I might know what 'things' you're speaking of." She whispers with a smirk as she leans in, pressing her lips against his as she adjusts herself so she is straddling his lap.

They continue to kiss passionately when suddenly Kat pulls her mouth from his. That doesn't stop him, however, as he begins to trail his kisses down her neck. "W-wait, Sherlock, J-John is sleeping in the other room. We, we can't do this right now."

A low laugh reverberates from Sherlock's chest. "He is one of the deepest sleepers ever, and even if he did hear anything, he'd probably think he was only dreaming."

Kat laughs a little breathless due to Sherlock's assault on her neck. "No, Sherlock, I'm serious, I don't want him to hear us."

Sherlock pulls back with a devilish glint in his eyes. "You'll just have to be quiet then, Miss Moore. Or do you not think you can handle being quite?" He challenges knowing it will get a rise out of her.

Kat squints her eyes and gives his a small growl knowing exactly what he's doing, but accepts the challenge anyways. "Oh, it's on, Mr. Holmes."


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Curiosity Killed The Kat (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 2~Where stories live. Discover now