Chapter (10)

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Lauren Jauregui's Point Of View

New York - 6:47 PM

The pilot announced that we're going to land in about 30 minutes and I was more than nervous to get off, I was almost quiet the whole flight through because I can't rant about how nervous I am, maybe because Camila started drowsing in a deep sleep just minutes after we took off. My hands were purposely placed on hers so I won't feel uneasy, she can just give it a light squeeze and it makes me calm.

Camila was woken up by a loud whimper I let out and I almost apologized too quickly when she suddenly was face to face with me squirming in sight of the view, the lights sparkling as it reflected my eyes. I hated heights and especially in the night time, I can't see everything. The Latina noticed I felt uncomfortable and wrapped her fingers around mine, caressing the top with her thumb.

-Calm down. - she chuckled. - you shouldn't have chosen the window seat.

-I wanted to. - I reasoned as she gave me a look that seemed like she was saying "really" and started to laugh. - it's not funny.

-And I thought I was the one afraid of heights. - she teased and I let out a sigh. - just don't look out. Close the shutters.

-I don't want to do it. - I whispered, facing Camila as I tried my best not to take a single glance of the view. - you do it.

-Okay, Lolo - she replied as she closed the screen, covering the window and I exhaled in relief. - there, happy?

-Yes. - I smiled but then to see the same open view on the other side. - No, I don't know.

-What's the matter... - she started as she looked back to see where my eyes were fixed on. - don't look at that.

-I'll try. - I said, feeling a lot more anxious and she firmly intertwined my fingers with hers, giving it light squeezes.

-Tell me something else, quick. - she intruded. - maybe something you love to do, or a memory from your childhood.

-Okay. - I thought of literally anything to change the subject. - when I was younger, I would uh, always play soccer and I was the um, team captain of the school's soccer team when I was in highschool. 

-The soccer team? - she asked. - you had girl's soccer teams back when you were in high school?

-Well, it was like the main soccer team. - I corrected. - maybe because I went to an all girls school, and that was the- uh reason why I was really attracted to girls.

-Oh. - Camila smiled, looking like she was about to laugh. - I only figured I like girls in a way when I started working in that bar.

-Really? - I asked, a little shocked after hearing about her being attracted to girls in such an older age. - I honestly thought you liked girls ages ago.

-Not really, - she replies. - I had my first boyfriend when I was in tenth grade and I was like... So straight back then, I regret that now though, anyone can be better in bed than he'll ever be, I would want a woman to-

-You had a boyfriend? - I asked and the younger girl chuckled.

-I used to, not anymore, we were together for five years and well... - she cleared and I coughed, trying to looking away - are you listening to me?

-It's nothing. - I mumbled and Camila gave me a smile I couldn't decipher. - do you want to like, go out and get something to eat when we arrive?

-Sure. - she smiles, getting one from me back. - we can call the room service.

-I don't like the food in hotels. - I complained and Camila rolled her eyes. - can we go out to eat?

-That's your decision.

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