Chapter (8)

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-Can I cuddle you?

She didn't answer but instead, she expanded her arm so I can just dive in her warmth. I closed the little distance between the both of us and she was nearly laying down as her head was deposed on the arm rest of the sofa. I snuggled closer to her until I could feel her hot breathing on the sides of my forehead.

I could tell that she was incredibly annoyed by my hair tangling all over her face because she changed the position of her head, making me adjust our bodies to find the comfortable spot. The three were so intrigued watching the movie as I was starting to drift off to sleep because of how comfy Lauren made me felt, my eyes were slowly closing until the older one took me in surprise when she started to play with my hair. I smiled but since Lauren was basically being my big spoon, she couldn't see the smile when I realized what she was doing.

All four of us have taken about two slices for ourselves except for Lauren, Lauren took one, as she said, she didn't want to ruin her diet. It was mostly Dinah and Normani who finished the whole box and just completely left it on the table, empty. That annoyed me. I hate mess. Especially if it's all around my surroundings, but it wasn't my place so I can't complain. Back in my own apartment, clothes were always piled up, neatly folded, the CDs are always on place, and almost everything in the refrigerator are placed in order. Dinah was one big mess, she would completely ruin everything but I let her clean up after herself so she isn't that bad after all.

I let random thoughts drift off and decided to have my attention on the movie that was playing, I obviously knew what was going to happen next, so I didn't expect anything different. It was almost surprising that the movie had been on for almost an hour and thirty minutes, my mind was completely blank and all this time I was just thinking about anything random that comes in mind that I didn't realize that it has been playing for more than I expected.

I sighed when I hear the older one behind me started snuffling through her nose, letting out a whimper watching the break up scene in front of her eyes. She removed her fingers that were before combing my hair to now wipe her tears that was a little visible on her red cheeks. I held my lips together keeping myself from letting out an "aw" in between my mouth. Instead, I took care of Lauren's hand and squeezed it gently to at least make her feel a little better.

-Thanks, Camz. - she said as she pulled the blanket to cover her chin.

-No problem, they would still end up together - I whispered.

-I know, I have seen this before. - she replied glancing at me and placed her eyes back on the television.

I was a bit embarrassed to fail in spoiling the older one and assured her that Noah and Ally would still be together in the end. Since I basically knew what was going to happen next, I didn't bother to close my eyes a little bit and take a nap or something, by the time I would wake up, it would probably be near the ending anyway.


I woke up and blinked painfully as the sun was torturing my eyes the moment I opened them. This wasn't my room nor it was my bed, but I suddenly knew that it was Lauren's because of how comfy it was and because the scent of Lauren's shampoo smelt good when I buried my head on her pillow.

-Lo? - I called out before sitting up and looking around for Lauren, who was nowhere to be found.

I stretched my arm lazily and the hairs on my body stand on an end. I started to walk and proceeded downstairs since that was where I expected the other woman to be and I was right when I saw her figure standing on the kitchen, cooking, as what it seemed.

For a moment my heart just beat a little faster than normal, I have imaginations in mind that I knew would never happen, imagine waking up every morning to that. I knew I was again, going along the thoughts that I shouldn't be thinking about so I tried my best to slap myself back to reality and accept the fact that Lauren does not want me that way.

Some Other Nights (Camren)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя