35| Death Wish

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"Bonstar! come out come out. I want to play with you!" the voice outside got louder with every passing minute. who the hell was it? and how the hell does he know my wife? I turn to face Bonnie and she looks scared and that made me, she took a step back from where she was standing with one hand on her ever-growing stomach. I walked over to my wife, held her face in my palms looking deep into her emerald eyes she was hiding something. Her thoughts and mine begin to blend together into one mind. It still freaks me out how fast we have become used to this new part of us I mean reading each other's minds?

Bonnie, who is that guy?

I don't know, but he has been here before. the night you and Stefan went to find Klaus for Caroline

What? why didn't you tell me?

Katherine came right after and he never came back, so I let it go


I know, I just didn't want you to worry.

you need to go upstairs Bon, let us handle this.

seriously? I can take care of myself, Damon. been doing it my whole life

well, it isn't just you anymore Bonnie, you have to think about Alix she needs you. you protect her I protect you both that's how it's going to work right now.

I'm not trying to be a dick but just the thought of my family is in danger and I'm not there to protect them? The noise got louder, everyone in the house was looking around at all the things being throwing with every shake. who the hell was this guy? whoever it was he wasn't getting to my family, I wasn't going to let the future that Alix was living in right now to come into fruition. "Damon, son?" a voice came from the other side of the door, it wasn't the male voice but a woman's. How many people were out there? whoever it was I am not letting Bonnie stand here waiting for whoever to come through those doors and do something to her. looking over at Caroline, she looks back at me confused not know what I wanted from her. I tilt my head towards Bonnie and then towards the bedroom upstairs. without saying anything Caroline comes up to us and takes Bonnie upstairs using vamp speed.

"I've had just about enough of this" Klaus spoke up after Caroline and Bonnie had left, I forgot he was even still here. He headed towards the door all pissed off, typical of him to do that to show off like he can take on the entire world with one hand. "Klaus think this through first, you don't know who the hell is out there of how many" this time Stefan spoke up with the voice of reason. But being Klaus he continued to walk towards the door without thinking about the consequences that would come from his actions.

He opened the front door and went on to confront the intruders. Outside there were six people standing in the yard, four at the back holding hands and chanting. so their the ones trying to bring down the barrier, the other two at the front were just standing there watching the house, just one of them was a kid no older than 16 maybe. what the hell? this can't be, she's dead! "Mum? how he hell is this possible?" the woman turned to face me, she hasn't changed one bit from her long brown hair to her slander form. This person standing on my front yard right now is my mother, the same mother I thought was dead! what the hell was going on?

The chanting stopped when she put hand right hand he air, the house stopped shaking and everything was still, not just the house but my mind too, my mother was alive this whole time and she never even bothered to come for us? what kind of mother does that?

Damon? are you alright?

Bonnie's calming voice brought me out of my thoughts of my mother and mysterious reappearance. She always had a way of making me feel better instantly by speaking to me with that beautiful voice of hers.

I'm fine, stay inside the house, everything is fine out here

you don't feel fine, Damon do you need me out there?

No, stay inside where its safe, I will let you if I need saving, promise Bon. 

she laughed, which brought a smile to my face too until my mother started talking. "Hello, Son. I know this must come as a shock to you but I can explain all of this" she stepped forward this can't be happening right now, am I dreaming? she died! She reached me and put her palms on my face cupping. she had a smile on her face and all of the memories from my childhood came rushing back, the happy moments we had with Stefan playing outside. "I never wanted to leave you or your brother, I loved you both so much, I love you both so much. but back than I wasn't strong enough to take care of the two of you. Your father....I just could not take the constant yelling and fighting, I know I was a cowered for not taking you both with me but I thought I was doing you both a favour"

A favour? you called getting beat everyday a favour? watching father beat Stefan, for the smallest thing. And you call that a favour, well news flash mother it wasn't! You are right about something though, you are a cowered" Why the hell do I care so much now? so she abandoned us so what it made us stronger for it. Screw her excuses, I don't need her never have never will.

"Mother? is that really you?" Stefan's voice came from behind me, I almost didn't recognise it he sound almost like a child, like the kid I used to look out for, protecting him from our father. "you're alive?" Lily gazed over my shoulder at her other son, she had tears in her eyes from seeing him. "How?"

"It's a long story Tesoro, I need you both to hear me right now it's very important that you both do that va bene?" Looking at Stefan, he nodded his head agreeing to her demands, I on the other hand wasn't going to stand here and listen to anymore of her excuses.

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