34| Alix, please have Hope

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Bonnie set on the bed unmoving and she could not believe what or who was standing in front of her. once Titus opened his eyes the lightning danced In his blue eyes, then an image of a young girl stood in front, Bonnie and Damon. "G is everything okay?" the girl asked not yet noticing the two adults behind her. The girl was about the same height as Bonnie, with long black braids with silver strings woven into them. Her blue eyes scanning the room since Titus wasn't replying to her. Once her eyes landed on her mother and father sitting on the bed together. "Mum? is it really you?" she asked, not moving she couldn't believe her eyes, her mother was sitting right in front of her with the same confused look on her face.

"Titus, I told you not to tell her, "Alix said turning back to her brother, she was upset. Bonnie stood off the bed and walked over to the girl her eyes watering so many emotions coming over her and the pregnancy wasn't helping her.

"Alix?" Bonnie whispered

"Mum, I didn't want you to know about all of this."

"why not?"

"I didn't want you losing hope or doing something in order to protect everyone and not yourself, because I've seen the outcome to that and it sucks mum!" Alix bellowed with so much pain.

"you are my daughter, of course, I would do anything to protect you"

"even if it means dying? and leaving your kid behind on her own because apparently my parents' can't help but sacrifice themselves for other people" with tears running down her face she used her hand to wipe the evidence away.

"I'm so sorry Alix" Bonnie cried, pulling her daughter into a hug, mother and daughter held each other crying. Damon and his Son stood back and watched the whole scene unfold, it was beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time.

"well, um since you know everything I might as well tell everyone" Alix reluctantly pulled away from her mother wiping the rest of her tears. she turned to her brother "before it takes another year for us to get in touch again"

"what do you mean a year?" Titus asked confused, they only spoke a few days ago, so who the hell has it turned into a year for her?

"my guess is when we link through time you get whatever version of me responds first" she walked over to her father and gave him a hug, Damon hugged his daughter back feeling the love pouring through the hug.

"How are you holding yourself put there?" Damon asked his daughter he was concerned for her, not being able to be there for her and protect her as a father should

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"How are you holding yourself put there?" Damon asked his daughter he was concerned for her, not being able to be there for her and protect her as a father should. she pulled away and shook her head with a sad look on her face.

"Uncle Nik is gone, haven't seen him in a year. Don't know if he's dead or alive we've tried everything to try and find him but no luck. he went out looking for Katherine, he sent a message back saying that she was dead but after that nothing. Hope is still heartbroken about it"

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