oblivious. | mercedes

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you stared at her from your seat in the back of the room, everything about her captivating you. she wrote daintily on the paper, taking notes from byleth and running a hand through her hair.

throughout the class, mercedes was all you could focus on. the gears in your brain turned, thinking of ways to win over her affections. possibly a love letter? no, too cliche. confession over tea? maybe.

your eyes must have burned holes into the back of her head, for mercedes turned around a little. her eyes caught yours and you felt yourself flush a little. her lips curved into a smile and you could've dropped dead right there.

instead, you only smiled back.


mercedes stood behind you in line for dinner, her hands sweating nervously. she swallowed her anxiety and tapped on your shoulder, calling out your name softly.

you turned around, smiling. "hi mercedes!"

her heart thumped against her chest. in class, she had been trying to take notes on the lesson, but instead she had been brainstorming ideas to get you to like her.

she had decided to just talk to you. the worst that could happen was that you didn't feel the same, right?


you could laugh at her. everyone in the dining hall could laugh at her. you could insult her and walk away, and then everyone would hate her. you would hate her.

"is everything okay?" your soothing voice brought her out of her worries, like it always does.

"uh, yeah!" she responded, "i was wondering if you and i could take a walk after dinner or go to the library. i'd like to talk to you about something."

"yeah sure, but i was already going to ask if you'd like to eat dinner with me, is that alright?"

"o-of course!" she flushed- you wanted to eat with her? that could just be a friendly gesture.

dinner was a blast, the two of you talking and giggling like little schoolgirls. you learned that mercedes loves to bake sweets, so you invited her to have cooking duty with you sometime and cook with her. all too soon, dinner ended. you put up your plate of food and looked towards the door where mercedes was waiting on you.

she walked gracefully as she led you to the library, which was empty since tomas's situation. you looked around at the dusted books as you followed her to a table in the back. sitting across from her, you watched as she folded her hands nervously.

"dinner was great," you started.

"yeah," mercedes replied, slightly awkwardly, "so, um, what i needed to talk to you about-"

"wait," you stood up and walked to the other tables, blowing out the candles except for the one that you were sitting at, "this is so no one thinks anyone is in here. we're alone now." you smiled.

"ah, right." she looked down, seeming a little more flushed than usual, "i wanted to ask you something, but i just could never muster up the courage or get the time to."

you stayed silent, nodding for her to continue.

"i just, you're amazing, y/n, and i- i," the girl turned more red and you smiled, reaching across the table to gently take her hand in yours.

"yeah?" you coaxed.

"i really like you. like, so much. and i- im so sorry if you don't feel the same. of course you don't, i don't know why i even thought about telling you. just forget this whole thing ever happened, okay?"

you giggled a little. "you're so cute."


"i said you're cute," you repeated, "i like you too. i wasn't sure if you felt the same either, that's why i didn't say anything. but now that you have... do you want to be my girlfriend?"

mercedes lit up once more in red. "i was supposed to ask you that!"

"then yes, i'll be your girlfriend." looking into her eyes once more, you lifted her hand and pressed a kiss into it.

"are you sure?"

"i've never been more sure in my life."

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