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Iduna woke up submerged underwater on one of the compounds lowest levels. "God." Iduna mumbled as a rock slid over her hand. Shoving it to the side, the girl sticks her hand out on some fallen steel and gets to her feet.

Looking up through a hole, she could see nothing besides some broken lights and droplets of water. "Hello?" She puts a hand to block the light, but her voice trails off as she notices the scarring all up and down her arms. Behind her, stuck in the rubble, Clint grunts heavily as he pulls himself up. "Clint!"

He doesn't turn around. Instead, she taps him on the shoulder, and he reacts by pulling out a knife. "Kid?"

"Are you okay?" She notices blood dripping out from his ears. "Can you hear me?" She points to her ear. The Avenger sticks up his hand as his face contorts.

"Yeah, yeah, a bit." He rubs his ears in annoyance and turns around, looking down the broken passage.

As Clint looks over a pile of rubble, Iduna squints at the red lights and kicks at the water.

"What are you doing? We need to get out of here." She drags her hand across the pipes against the wall as her face itches. Then, without realising it, she smudges black mud across her eyes. Trying her best to get rid of it, Clint pulls something out from the rubble.

The Avenger turns and holds out the gauntlet. "I think this belongs to you." He says as some shuffling in the water catches Iduna's attention.

The girl looks to her left just as a soft rumble vibrates along the walls. "Clint... we should go." Something about the noise was familiar. She takes the gauntlet, stepping back as well. The mercenary naturally loads an arrow with light and shoots it in the direction of the noises. Just as the arrow's light shimmers on the first war dog, Iduna turns "Run!"

Clint quickly follows in pursuit just as the nearest war dog unleashes a gnarly growl. The two heroes run for their lives under the collapsed building, trying their best not to trip and fall victim to teeth.

Just as they turn left together, one war dog lurches and smashes into a wall. "What are these things?" Clint yells as he fires an arrow behind them. The two of them are sprinting on metal grates as the war dogs begin to catch up with them.

"Outriders." Iduna yells when she notices an opportunity to get rid of the war dogs. "I have an idea, but you're going to have to jump."

"Where?" Clint shouts.

Iduna points to a hole in the ceiling of the passage where some light was shining through. "There! In three... two..." Just as Iduna enters the light, she angles her feet and drops the gauntlet. "One!" Skidding out of the light, Iduna outstretches her hands and watches as Clint shoots an arrow up with a rope that carries him up into the hole.

Iduna mobilises her newfound power and rips the life force from all of the incoming war dogs. Clint looks down to see white electricity surge into Iduna's fingertips, leaving all the war dogs that were about to rip them apart to drop to the floor.

A few seconds pass. "How'd you learn to do that?" He calls out down below as Iduna watches the life forces of the war dogs dance in her hands before simmering to a soft glow. She became more powerful.

The girl picks up the gauntlet and looks up. "The moment I put this on." She grins as her eyes catch sight of something further down the passage. "Here, take this and get it to Tony." Iduna throws the gauntlet up, and Clint awkwardly takes hold of it.

"What about you?" He asks.

Iduna looks down the passage and sees some light and fresh dirt rolling down into the metal grates. "There's a way out down here. I'll be fine. Just get those Stones to Tony." Clint waves goodbye to Iduna and the two-part ways.

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