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"Omisha..." the slight murmur of Thor's deep voice rattles her head. As she opens her eyes, Omisha squints up into the darkness. Next to her, Thor was pulling off a slab of concrete on her leg. "Are you okay?" He helps her sit up and pats her back as she coughs.

Omisha moves her leg freely. "Yeah, I'm okay... are you hurt?" A wave of concern floods her face as Omisha examines Thor beside her. Finally, he nods briskly and gets to his feet and extends a hand for her. "We need to find Iduna."

"My thoughts exactly," Thor replies. They work together to make their way out of the debris. Choosing to follow where the light dimly shone through the cracks, the pair began to pull broken slabs of concrete out their way slowly. The closer they got to the surface, a cool breeze began to hit their faces.

Pushing together, Omisha and Thor shove the last obstacle in their way. Omisha jumps out from the gap in the debris, leaving a space beside her for Thor. They both were speechless as their eyes set on the horizon. The Avengers headquarters was obliterated. The sky was gloomy with dust and smoke.

"Oh no..." Omisha's eyes catch sight of the Sanctuary's looming shadow, high in the sky. "I don't understand. He shouldn't be here." Frustration stained her face. She didn't notice Thor drift a few meters away from her.

"Omisha," Thor says loudly, his gaze transfixed on something below them. She comes to Thor's side to finally lay her tired eyes upon the sitting figure draped in Titan armour. At that moment, Thanos looks up and stares directly at his daughter.

There was some static on Thor's comms. It becomes known that Clint and Iduna are in the bottom levels of the building but don't know exactly where they are. It was relief that bounced off their shoulders. Their daughter was okay.

There was movement behind them.

"What's he been doing?" Steve asks as Morrigan and Tony come up behind him.

"Absolutely nothing," Thor answered. Morrigan stands next to her daughter and Steve. Omisha watched as her mother registered who was sitting before her. They both understood that the next few moments would be detrimental.

"Where are all the Stones?" Steve says.

Tony sticks his hand out slightly. "Somewhere under all this. All I know is that he doesn't have them."

"So we keep it that way," Steve says definitively.

"And make sure he doesn't find Iduna, or he'll kill everyone as he did before," Morrigan adds sternly. "Do we know where she is?" She didn't want to ask if Iduna was alive.

Omisha nods. "We heard her on the comms. She's with Clint. We just don't know where." Omisha takes a step forward. "We are walking into a trap. We've got to stop him now before he does anything." The group unanimously agree.

She looks to Thor. "Good, just as long we are in agreement." The cracking of thunder and lightning boom across the stormy sky. Thor stretches out his hands as he feels the strength in him grow. A storm swirls directly above him as a blue lightning bolt strikes down on him. He opens his right hand, as does Omisha. At the same time, Stormbreaker finds his grip as Mjölnir finds hers. Omisha's pupils flutter with a yellow shimmer as golden lines glow from her hands up to her neck.

"Let's kill him, shall we," Morrigan murmurs. All of them didn't notice how quickly the Queen's hair morphed into a deathly black.

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