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Omisha's eyes drifted across the six individual screens, showcasing the six Infinity Stones. Getting these Stones was their objective, but even though they had a way to get them, they still needed the location of each Stone to devise a practical plan. "So the how works. Now we gotta figure out the when and the where." Steve stated the obvious, looking across each pair of eyes that were glued to him. "Almost everyone in this room has had an encounter with at least one of the six Infinity Stone." That part was true.

On the other side of the six screens, Tony sauntered in front of them. "Well, I'd like to substitute word 'encounter' for 'damn near killed by one of the six Infinity Stones." He said sarcastically, interrupting Steve's start to the search and walking over to stand next to Morrigan

Everyone had covered the kitchen table with all required information on the location of each Stone. According to each Stone, James and Omisha were seated next to each other and had sorted six individual piles of notes and papers. Morrigan stood back with Clint, and the two spoke about a few ideas of where some Stones could be at the same time and place.

"I haven't," Scott mentioned. "I don't even know what the hell you are talking about."

"You will," Morrigan said to Scott, who pivoted in his chair, unaware she was even standing behind him.

Bruce made his way around the table. "Regardless... we only have enough Pym Particles for one round trip each, I think maybe one more, but these Stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history."

"Our history," Tony spoke, correcting what Bruce said. "So not a lot of convenient spots to just drop in." Tony pointed out.

"So we gotta pick our targets." All eyes drifted to where Clint was standing on the side, arms folded.

"And not miss," Morrigan added. Tony agreed before swiftly making his way to stand behind Omisha's chair.

Steve smiled at her, finding what she said amusingly. "Let's start with the Aether." Finally, some initiative, Omisha thought. "Thor, what do you know?" Steve asked expectingly. The sound of no response made everyone turn to the back and see Thor slouched in an armchair in the corner of the room.

"You've got to be kidding me," Omisha murmured frustratedly. The man who had her heart held another beer in one hand, his fingers slipped into his pants, and he had another pair of black glasses on his head. Morrigan let her head fall into her hand, shaking it slightly.

"Is he sleeping?" Natasha asked.

James cleared his throat. "No, no. Pretty sure he's dead." The sound of him snoring was a sign he definitely was not dead.

Taking matters into her own hands, Omisha took a glimpse behind her to see Tony still holding that cup. "You are done with that?"

Tony looked down at her quizzically. "No, it's still warm — hey!" Then, without warning, she snatched it from his hand. The next second before Tony could get his drink back from her, Omisha chucked the coffee cup over James and Natasha, aiming it directly at Thor's face.

The coffee lid popped off as it banged his glasses off. The drink then spilled all over his face and down his shirt. "Ah — what?" Thor spluttered, waving his hand about and trying to use his jacket to wipe away the spill. But, in his head, he already knew who did it. "Omisha!" He groaned, spitting out some of his hair that got soaked in coffee.

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