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Carol Danvers exploded from the clouds and descended like a bullet released from a gun chamber, piercing through the top of the Sanctuary and ploughing straight through. Explosions of gas and metal occurred, followed by bursts of fire as the pilot exited her destruction only to turn around midair and shoot up the middle of the giant ship, causing another sequence of explosions and carnage. Carol flew up and hovered above her handiwork and watched as the enemy ship lost power and crashed into the water below, creating a massive wave.

Peter and Iduna watch in awe as Carol Danvers lands just above their little ditch. "Hi, I'm Peter Parker." The two teens separate and get to their feet.

"And I'm Iduna Thordottir." She smiles sheepishly. Iduna picks up the gauntlet.

"Hey, Peter Parker and Iduna Thordottir." They were still amazed at what they'd just witnessed. "Heard you guys might need some help."

Iduna gets to her feet and helps Peter to his. They both where the brown van was and what between them. The entire swarm of the Chituari army made their ambition to win dissolve. "That would be nice." Iduna says softly.

"I don't know how you're gonna get through all that," Peter says as blood drips from his nose.

As if just on time, Wanda Maximoff lands just beside Carol Danvers as the shadow of the winged horse looms above them.

"Don't worry," Wanda says as Okoye stands in front of Iduna and Peter.

The warrior flips around her spear. "She's got help." Perfectly timed, Pepper Potts lands in her saviour suit besides Okoye and removes her helmet as Shuri, Natasha and Mantis enter the group from Carol's left.

Iduna looks around at the heroes. "Wow..." she murmurs just as her mother and grandmother descend from above and land just behind Pepper. The young girl looks at Carol and then straight ahead. "If you guys clear the way, I can get the gauntlet to the time machine."

The women give Iduna a wary look. "Are you sure?" Wanda comes and places a hand on the girl's shoulder.

"I can take it if you want." Carol offered.

As their impending doom came closer, Iduna stood silent for a moment. "I couldn't save everyone then; I need to do this. Let me do this."

It was unanimously agreed that all should be done to help Iduna return the Infinity Stones. The women assembled and stride onward towards the next fight. Hope Van Dyne flutters in front of Pepper as Nebula and Gamora sideline the team at the front. Iduna was central in the movement.

At the same time, they all began to run. Wanda, Pepper and Valkyrie soar high into the sky to attack two incoming Levithans as Gamora, Okoye and Nebula leapt at the first chance to spill blood. Nebula and Gamora simultaneously strike down two giant Chitauri soldiers as Okoye spears her blade through Corvus Glaive's chest and flips him over.

Iduna holds the gauntlet to her chest as the remaining heroes with her run through the narrow gap created in the offence. Iduna bears to look up as two Levithans dive into the ground behind them. Omisha and Morrigan morph into their glowing forms and destroy multiple war dogs on either side. Morrigan sucks them into the ground with the Root of Death as Omisha slices their arms off. Shuri deflects oncoming hordes with her force field blasters as Mantis climbs onto the back of a nearing giant and dissolve its brain.

Carol generates a giant ball of energy and directs it straight ahead, creating the perfect pathway to the van. All the women fight around Iduna as the teenager sprints towards the finish line. Each time an enemy tried to attack her, the danger was removed instantly. They were going to protect her at all costs.

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