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Since I wrote out the Captain Marvel trailer a few days ago ,
and some of you guys actually liked it so I'm going to do the same
with the Avengers : Endgame trailer because i had a blast with the other one

Also I noticed some authors also did the same with writing out
the trailers so if I like inspired them then omg yay !
but if not then whelp .

please note , the following description
of the trailer will only contain scenes
where i think my characters would be in .
there may be original scenes i've made up myself
this symbol ' ⋆ ' indicates a change in scene

thanos did exactly what he said he gonna do — he wiped out fifty percent of all living creatures

Standing in the Midgardian headquarters of the Avengers, the surviving heroes spread out over the room. Neither one of them could look the other in the eye without the painful flashback of a lost one to fill their minds. Natasha had begun to dabble on what had already happened days ago. She knew they acknowledged her words even with their backs turned and eyes pinned shut by grief.

Morrigan and Bruce were both grimacing at the holographic images of the fallen heroes. As each profile dipped and another appeared, it was as if it was a respective sign that they no had the strength to overcome Thanos in the future.

we are still here

The Titan's daughter looked up to find Thor's eyes. The God of Thunder gazed up solemnly, having no emotion present in his eyes. She wanted to walk over to him and bring his exhausted body under her care. He sat there motionless and heavy with fatigue. The spark in his eyes that reflected that he always had more to give had dimmed.

❝ — we lost . all of us . we lost friends . we lost family . we lost a part of ourselves

Each pair of eyes had drifted to the Captain. They could feel it in his voice that Steve lacked hope and faith. It was obvious Thanos had won that battle although something within the Valyriaten women insisted the war was far from over. It was a state he was in that Morrigan always wished she'd never have to witness.

The royals of their planet felt like tumbleweeds in a ghost town. The abyss of fury and grief was brewing in the pit of Omisha's stomach. Her mind raged with terrible thoughts. Her soul was boiling from the sight of her planet's denigration. Her body was stricken with trembles of adrenaline and agony.

we should've stopped him . none of this would've happened if we did

this is the fight of our lives

Morrigan proceeds to clasp her hands around Steve's. He was frantic. The whole plan was created on the combined effort of everyone involved. She knew he needed this to work. She knew he needed to something to redeem what they'd lost.

this is the fight for our lives . for those living right now . for those we lost before —   ❞

Omisha had taken a step forward.

this is the endgame and at the end , i want us alive

hi ahh — is anyone home ? this is scott lang . we met a few years ago , at the airport , in germany ? i got really big

The instant holographic image of a man outside the entrance to the building caught everyone's attention. The man outside with a big brown van behind him seemed to stop everyones' hearts, except for Omisha and Morrigan. The two immortals shared wary glances as Steve got up from seat, absolutely shocked to see that man on the window.

is this an old message ?

Natasha proceeded to get up as well. The longer the man was on the screen, waving his hands about awkwardly, the weirder it got.

ant-man ? ant-man ! i know you know that

it's the front door

that's me so can you buzz me in ?

Omisha put a finger to her lip as her mind rambled through what a Midgard ant was.

if he's ant-man , shouldn't he be , you know , tiny ?

— i did not know what else to write to be honest .
     that trailer was something else . it was hard to
     bring in my characters
— i'm going to post the first official chapter soon
and it'll take place right after omisha says ❝ our
   daughter , our loss

 it was hard to      bring in my characters — i'm going to post the first official chapter soon      and it'll take place right after omisha says ❝ our     daughter , our loss ❞

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