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As the Valyriaten vessel entered Midgard's atmosphere after the space jump, Morrigan instantly noticed the Guardian ship parked behind the Avengers compound. They were the last ones to arrive besides Thor. "Someone tell Rocket to move that orange tin can before we land, please," Morrigan ordered playfully on the comm. She glanced behind her to see Omisha waiting by the ramp.

Omisha grinned before opening her line. "We will crush it on our landing." It was a mere tease. Rocket loved the Benatar. Threatening to destroy it was a way to piss him off.

There was a shuffle on the line. "Hey! Hey! Don't you even — " the sound of the angry hero burst through the earpieces. Both women shared widened expressions before going offline and not hearing the rest of Rocket.

The vessel was turned on autopilot. Once the ramp was back up and the immortals were out, the ship would turn around and return home. There was no need for it here, but there was somewhere else. Morrigan pulled the lever of the ramp. The two of them gripped the side of the ship as the wind swirled about inside. Before they jumped, Morrigan looked at her daughter. "Are you ready?" She wasn't asking if jumping out of a ship was okay.

Omisha stifled a laugh. "No, I really am not ready." She looked down below where the rest of the team was waiting for them. "But they are, and I guess that's enough." Morrigan nodded, not asking anything else. "You first?"

Morrigan shook her head. "No. Together, of course." Walking to the edge of the ramp together, the two of the women peered down below. Their ship was just above the Benatar, so if they jumped maybe a meter or two in front, they shouldn't plummet through metal. "Let's go!" And then they jumped.

It was the classical uniform superhero landing. Hitting the floor in a glorious thud, they kneeled into an effortless stance whilst still managing not to have a flushed face. They barely missed the Benatar. "You nearly killed me!" The two women stand up before looking to the left to see Rocket scrambled under the Benatar's ramp. The shocked raccoon scurried out from the ramp and stalked up to them. "How many times do I have to say not to kill me or destroy my baby?"

They laughed. "It's nice to see you to Rocket." Morrigan annoyingly rubs the top of his head before walking away to the compound.

"You know we'd never intentionally destroy this ship." She said with a smug smile as Rocket fixed his fur.

The light in his eyes shone as he realised what'd she said. "Hey! You'd intentionally kill me?" Omisha shrugged before following in suit of her mother.

Morrigan had met Bruce halfway across the lawn. "Green's a good look on you, Bruce." The green giant blushed at the Queen's compliment. "Who's that?" She pointed directly at Scott Lang, who was about to chomp on his new taco. His heart stopped beating for a few seconds as Morrigan narrowed her eyes on him.

Bruce laughed while clutching his bag. "Ah, that's Scott; he's Ant-Man." He welcomed Omisha as she joined the conversation.

The two women looked at each other in confusion. "If he's Ant-Man, shouldn't he be, you know, tiny?" Omisha asked seriously as she squinted at Scott. So now the precious man sat there frozen as two of the most badass Avengers judged him.

Even Bruce turned around to look at Scott. "I understand why you'd ask that question, Omisha." Then a light flickered on. "More importantly, I didn't know if you'd make it in time, but we're going to get Thor. You wanna come along?" Omisha adored Bruce like this. "We'll be back in a few hours, I guess."

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