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The sound of electricity bouncing from wall to wall and the drop of a slab of concrete woke her up. Morrigan shot up from lying in the rubble, grabbing her chest and trying to breathe in something that wasn't dust. Rubbing the dirt from her eyes, she looks around for anyone. But, caught underneath collapsed floors with the infrastructure sticking out like thorns, she could barely see anything.

Some shuffling goes on behind her. Then, twisting around, the Queen poises her hands in attacking form and releases the Root of Death millimetres from Tony's throat. He stood there beaten and sore as he held Steve's shield. "Mordy, please don't."

Releasing a sigh, Morrigan puts away her weapon and hobbles up to her feet. "What happened?"

Tony pointed to a small above her head through the broken building. "That happened." He walks past as Morrigan looks up to see the familiar outline of the Sanctuary.

"Thanos." She said softly. Her stomach felt twisted and wrong. Following Tony through the damage, they came across Steve. They both kneel at either side and try to wake him.

As the Avenger regains consciousness, Tony brings out the shiny shield. "You lose this again, and I'm giving it to Morrigan." His brown eyes dart between them.

Steve moves about, panting and trying to get up. "What happened?"

Tony grimaced. "You mess with time; it tends to mess back. You'll see." Tony sticks out his hand and helps his friend to his feet. Morrigan watches carefully in case Steve lost his footing. "Follow me, you two."

As Tony navigates them through the rubble, Steve asks if Morrigan was okay. "Right now I am. Are you?" She looks at his smudged face and the blood bleeding from his lip and brow. Steve nods weakly. If things took a turn for the worst, she'd have to be there for him. She felt it in her bones.

The three of them finally can catch a breeze as they near the edge of the damage. Slowly maneuvering around poles and wires that stuck out, Morrigan steps out onto a broken piece of concrete and finally can see the Sanctuary in its full glory as it loomed over the obliterated landscape.

Her daughter and Thor stood together, with both pairs of icy blue eyes stuck on the figure surrounded by his destruction. Head down in a slumped position, Thanos remained calm and relaxed as the five heroes watched him. Morrigan noticed his sword dug into the earth with his helmet put on top. Why was he just sitting there?

"What's he been doing?" Steve asks quickly, ready to tighten his shield to his arm.

"Absolutely nothing." Thor answers. Morrigan stands next to her daughter and Steve. The two women share a worried look. This was not going to end well.

"Where are all the Stones?" He asks.

Tony sticks his hand out slightly. "Somewhere under all this. All I know is that he doesn't have them."

"So we keep it that way," Steve says definitively.

"And make sure he doesn't find Iduna, or he'll kill everyone as he did before," Morrigan adds sternly. "Do we know where she is?" She didn't want to ask if Iduna was alive.

Omisha nods. "We heard her on the comms. She's with Clint. We just don't know where." Omisha takes a step forward. "We are walking into a trap. We've got to stop him now before he does anything." The group unanimously agree.

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