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There was a time she wanted to see him again. She wanted to see him, standing proud because of what he'd achieved before she sliced his throat. To watch his body hit the ground as blood pooled around him brought some bittersweet joy to her heart.

Now, she watched patiently as the Benatar lifted off into the Earth's atmosphere. She didn't want to see him standing proud because of what he'd achieved. She used to believe that her entire soul would be engulfed by this tremendous rage that would obliterate him when she came across him. Now, her stomach was twisted, her chest heavy and her heart in this pounding grief with every breath she took, every step she walked and every thought she made. She knew now when she came across him; she'd buckle and scream with flaming tears falling down her face.

Omisha waited until the Benatar was way too high up in the sky. Then, letting out a soft sigh, she turned on her heel and peacefully walked back into the building. It was deserted as everyone had left, leaving a sedated Tony and grieving Omisha behind.

The blonde returned to the kitchen. She had nothing else to do but waste time. It was at this moment she was unsure of her decision to stay behind. Thor had mentioned their daughter in an attempt to get her to come along. That only drove her to stay here, away from her child's murderer. Morrigan had urged her to come, but Omisha turned her down swiftly.

"I'm hungry." She said to herself as her eyes focused on a packet of bread, throwing out her train of thought. Reluctantly heading into the kitchen, she opened the packet and took out two slices of bread and placed them in a toaster on the counter. Then, rummaging in the cupboard next to the fridge, she took out a plate and some spreadable butter from the fridge.

When the toaster shot the toasted carbohydrates up, the sound gave not only Omisha a fright. "Oh! That scared me!" Unaware Pepper was still here, Omisha got double the fright. The powerful woman stood by the doorframe of the kitchen, holding a few plastic files.

"It also scared me," Omisha added, trying to lighten the atmosphere. "Would you like a slice of Pepper?"

Pepper smiled. "No, no, I'm fine." Something popped up in her head. "Ah — seeming as though you're here, can you do something for me, please?"

Omisha picked up the bread and dropped them on the plate. "Sure, what do you need?"

"I need to get these down to the office, so can you watch Tony while I'm gone?" She pleaded as she motioned to the files in her hands. "He's completely knocked out, so all you're hear is his obnoxious snoring." Pepper joked

"Yes, of course. You go do your Midgardian boss job." Omisha tried to be positive, and Pepper appreciated it. Potts thanked her immensely before bidding goodbye and darting out from the kitchen. Omisha watched her leave as she buttered her toast.

Putting away the butter, Omisha picked up her plate and decided to eat and watch over Tony, just in case. Coming up to his secluded medical ward, Omisha could yet again see the bone structure of the boy as the sunlight sleeping through the blinds shone on him.

Sitting down on an armchair in the corner of his ward, Omisha balanced her plate on her lap and picked up a slice of toast and began to munch. She savoured the salty taste of the spread with each bite. With each bite getting louder, Omisha didn't expect it good wake up a sedated man. "God, you're a loud eater."

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